Less liability for the seller, better marketing and advertising and a whole lot less headaches
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I have not yet -- however John Meussner and I have discussed working together with FSBOs in my area.
i havent worked a fsbo in ages, i would probably be pretty rusty in my technique
I do not pursure FSBOs however I used to when I was newer in the business. I felt like I could serve them well and work harder because I wasn't as busy as other agents and could focus more time and effort on them.
I am not sure what you are asking here, Praful...you are listing a (once) FSBO or you are assisting a FSBO with their selling/marketing?
Anything beyond normal agent pre-listing services should be the limit. Remember, a screw-up can end up with a claim on your E&O or even a grievance.
I usually go in and view the home and tell them all the things I do to market a home. I'm an open book. When they realize how much time it takes, they will call if they are overwhelmed and hire me. If not, and they truly think they can do it all themselves, I'm glad they don't want my service. But I usually don't try to convince them to use me, but tell them how to do it themselves. Good old reverse psychology.
Praful Thakkar My approach was always to ask the FSBO not for a listing, but for a One-Time Showing Agreement. For this approach to work you do have to have a potential buyer for the property. When the seller finds they cannot sell the property themselves, they will more than likely call you because you do have a track record for bringing potential buyers to them. It doesn't always work, but with a potential buyer you do have a chance to sell the property. Important note: Get it in writing up front before bringing in a potential buyer.
I don't by the time I see a sign. There are three agents working on the listing asking 1% listing fee.
My tip for opening the door to dialog was simple: I have a buyer for you, or I can hold professional open houses for you so I can get you a buyer and possible create multiple offers. I'll also handle all the paperwork for you fo $X fee. I just worked with a FSBO last year in La Jolla successfully $1.1 million sale. Thanks for the link Praful Thakkar too!
Depends on my relationship with buyer and/or seller. If I am buyer agent I disclose that to seller; and no representation for seller unless they are working with attorney