Had them picked up by the city a number of years ago when they were cracking down on where signs could be placed. They are cracking down again big time
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Yes, a couple of times. One time I got my signage when another agent called me a couple of weeks later with its location. Apparently, someone was playing a prank on a neighbor by placing 20 or so real estate signs on their lawn. They had collected the signs from around the area.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
yes, that happens.....usually it's high school kids taking them....sometimes we get calls from other residents who do not have their homes on the market, but our signs are there!!! transplanted by high school kids!!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Four flags of mine found another owner
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
When I was with C21 some FSBO grabbed one of my metal signs and painted over it. Idjit lived on the same street!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
No, but I have lost directional signs.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
You bet! Someone spray painted over my sign & you could see the name under the paint clear as day. I walked up, thru it in my car & glared at them. I just thru it out but they weren't going to keep it that's for sure.
Other times I had to go get it at the garbage bin behind the village hall. I guess you could call it the lockup.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Hi Jon - Back in the day (last year) when we did flyer boxes on listings, a smartass kid in a neighborhood with several listings enjoyed switching the flyers around. And we lose a sign or two every year, never to be seen again.
Early on but got wise and had all my phones numbers and name on them now and the company logo, only lost one since.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Have you noticed all "Garage sales" covering up agents missing OH signs?
Jill Murty, Realtor - ...
Laguna Niguel, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
LOL - you have no idea how many times I've lost signage for these things - I seldom do them anymore
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Many years ago when I used Talking House, those signs would regularly go missing - can't say I blame them as they were pretty fun!
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Years ago, we had yard signs like Realtors that we would display at properties we financed. We started with two dozen and I only have ONE left. I have my suspicions as to what happened to them over the years but one by one, they disappeared after being placed.
Though I made more off them than I paid for them, I didn't think the ROI justified the tracking and security required so I didn't order any more.
Smith Mountain Lake, VA
Yes it happens quite often, and much of it goes into government dumpsters where your tax dollars are being spent by anti business employees who like to lift signs.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
For Sale, Open House and directional signs get feet at times. I've retrieved them from other associates and the city on most occasions. If you're not getting traffic to an OH it's good to check your signs, the competiton can be fierce.
Open house signs have been taken by the city and by kids (or adults needing a yard sale sign). Don't think I've had riders go missing. Maybe a sign once.
City thefts are easy to get back. When I've seen my signs used for other purposes by others, I take them back immediately. Never confronted the punks who took them though. Too bad if no one turned to see their garbage sale though...
I've had signs disappear here and there, but not in many years now. I have such large signs now it's hard to take off with them. I also had a sign that was used for target practise on a vacant property with 3 acres.
Thankfully, I've never had a yard sign go missing.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
No, we did not experience that, I would attribute that to the nature of commercial real estate, and we worked in the high end areas. A
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I've had signage stolen and left at another property that I was able to get back. I've also had open house signs taken that I didn't get back. Very costly.
Mostly open house signs get stolen. I've had one listing sign stolen along with a sign rider and the entire metal sign post. It just happened a few weeks ago.
I'd never seen signage used in the neighborhood, so I checked with the HOA to see if it was allowed. The HOA said it was allowed and provided guidelines which I followed.
I think it was someone in the neighborhood or perhaps the realtor who farms the neighborhood who stole my property. That's over $100.00 of my personal property that someone stole. The community property manager said he'd post a bulletin in hopes the perpetrator will return my property, but I have low hopes of success.
The homes in the neighborhood sell from the 700's into the low one million range.
School will be out next week and I'm sure some of our signs will be transferred to homes that are not on the market. It happens every year as the kids get out of school and have to play some pranks as their signal of being off for the summer!
Hi John - I have had directional signs go "missing" -- odd since they are personalized a and although my name is not uncommon -- it's still kinda weird.
I have had sign riders disappear but that could be weather conditions and not theft.
If I leave a pen in my office unattended, it's likely to turn up missing.
Lost another sign Friday. Not sure where they go, i know the metal collectors still metal signs, i swittched to vinyl and it still went missing
Yes, and it was a competing agent taking other agent's signs down. Seriously! He was caught and reprimanded.
I always have one sign stolen for each listing at an open house. I now consider it to be good luck.
No but I caught an agent trying to take my friend's sign. Took a photo of him doing it and said any more bad behavior and I'd send it to the Board.
Over the years, we have had open house signs and riders disappear. I have custom riders made now which seems to help.
Something about my name...or was it the wind? Just last weekend, three went missing.
yes. And mostly no it's never been recovered. I did find an old sign once that someone had painted over and made it a garage sale sign. I went to their garage sale. You could still clearly see my logo behind their white paint. I said some ugly things to them and put the sign in my car and left.
People like to steal Real Estate signs and convert them to Garage sale and yard sale signs. We rarely see hem again.
A friend watched a woman pick up his Open House A boards and put them in her car. He followed her home and watched her put them in her garage. He went to the door and asked for them back and she denied having them. He said he could call the police and tell them what he saw or she could give them back. She said, "I needed them for my garage sale" and he said, "they aren't yours, you can buy some for your garage sale." after which she returned them. Some people!
John Meussner - happened once - not so common in our area and specially all of them have my name on it so...
Not yet! I have heard stories of this happening. My broker told me my directional signs will come up missing. Says they always do.
Some cities in here( Beverly Hills, WeHo, Camarilo, etc.) do not allow RE signs. They pick them up and since your signs have your information, you get quite heavy fine. But many agents still risk.
By one land property the neighbors kept knocking down my sign. They liked the idea of the open lot next door, used it for their own purposes.
City has picked up and not recovered. Had a seller take one, paint it white and turn it into a FSBO sign and lie to my face as to where my sign went. Had drunk kids in a golf cart run one over in a seller's yard and get stuck on it at 2 in the morning.
John Meussner I've had my commercial signs vandalized, kicked in, thrown in a field and used for target practice.
Oh yes. Over the years I have lost thousands of dollars in materials and signage. On one listing I lost 3 signs and 3 feature boxes. That alone was almost $300.