code doesn't transfer well. You can use the Tx button to clear the format and then format it. But I just write it in the editor and save often.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debra Leisek
Homer, AK
Word has it's own hidden code (XML and CSS) in the background that it pastes in. Conflicts with the blog's system. Plaintext/source code view might help, but Marc Swartz, CPA, CA, Real Estate Broker has the best answer. Use a plain text editor like Wordpad, Notepad++, etc. to create. Save in text only or MS-DOS/Unicode format to be the safest.
Debra Leisek
Homer, AK
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Write your posts in a plain text editor rather than Word.
Debra Leisek
Homer, AK
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
The system seems to have a glitch in it.. and it may have something to do with operating systems or something... but it is weird... you might want to try the university resource.... they have blogging tips and videos... or ask support. sometimes it is just the machine seems possessed!!! I had a real issue the other night almost gave up on ever posting again! Good luck!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Word has conflicts with AR's blog platform. Use plain text then do your formatting in AR.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I think Tammy Lankford is right on.
It is hard to transfer formatting into Active Rain. I copy my text into notepad and then paste it into AR, all the formatting is gone and it takes graphic better. Face it, you can't have a choice of a bunch of different fonts in Active Rain. Not that big deal to me.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Bill - I also post from Word and have similar issues, many times. I only use Chrome now, since Firefox seems to be the culprit.
But Tammy has good advice too. You could copy and paste it into Word then to save on your computer
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
BILL CHERRY I used to write posts in Word, but gave up. Now I just write directly on AR's site. Someone more techy than I may have a solution for you. Goodluck.
Sometimes, it is the browser that makes the difference. We use Safari to post from Word, and occasionally I have to switch to Chrome or Firefox. It is a crazy world out there. A
I wrote a complet post about this a couple of weeks ago in the Ask an Ambassador group. It is the AR blog editor that doesn't recognize some other editting programs and has glitches. Word is one of the worst for doing this.
Seems that there is a bug going around Bill, hopefully it will get fixed soon.
Microsoft Word has formatting that AR doesn't like. Clear the formatting from your word document before or after pasting it into your post.
Bill, I went nuts today with my post. For a minute, I thought it was going to resemble a ransom message!
Bill- I write my posts in Google Drive then copy and paste them into the AR Editor. The good thing is that they automatically save them and you'll always have a copy of them.
Clearing the formmating as Tammy Lankford suggests will take care of the issue. Once you clear formatting you will want to format again in AR by adding paragraphs, header text, increase the font, etc.
Lots of glitches. I suggest a nice glass of Pinot Noire then try again!
Sorry this is happening to you, Bill --- I don't use Word and typically write the post on Google Drive and transfer the text to AR and then insert photos. It usually works but glitches happen on occasion.
Bill... I can't tell you how often I've struggled with this issue. And it doesn't matter sometimes if I write directly on AR or copy and paste from another place.
Good morning Bill. I cut and paste from emails that I have created and have had not difficulty. Have never used Word, maybe a good reason.
I have had this happen also but not lately. Clearing the formatting like @Tammylankford suggested may help