Right now I own a PC. Tried a Mac once, we did not get along. However, I have been considering giving it another shot.
James Dray
Bentonville, AR
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I use AVG for MAC. It is more difficult to write malware on OSX but it can be done. I did have one piece of malware. AVG deleted it.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
TeamCHI - Complete Hom...
Brentwood, TN
I don't use MAC and have always taken security seriously and have yet to have a problem. But from what I've read, MAC users now can't be too complacent anymore.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Not a MAC guy, so will be interested in the answers!
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Apple has done a superb job of brainwashing users into believing "it can't happen here". And now it's happening.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Nothing as I have not used Macs in years.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
MACs have been vulnerable for years. Now that Apple has a bigger market share they are getting more attention from the hackers. I'm using PCs but propection is similar for any computer; have at least 3 layers of virus and malware protection and use it regularly.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Gary Coles (International Referrals) - not a MAC person - however, sure enough, one needs to protect one's private information - no matter what.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I have a PC - I am used to the threat! LOL
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Shocking the amount of time, money , and memory spent fighting off these criminals. When will the fbi start prosecuting this drain on the economy?
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Not shocked at all. That is probably the zero-day one I was reading about this morning as well. Macs were the kings of "security by obscurity" before they started using Intel chips and running Linux, essentially becoming over priced PCs.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
I don't do Apples in the tech world. However, there ain't nothin' that can't be broken or hacked. Just my opinion.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
I do not use a MAC. This will be a good blog topic for you.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Hi Gary - There has always been malware out there for macs - it has been a bit more difficult for hackers, but not impossible and now it's just getting more prevalent. We use Norton and haven't had any problems.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
I'm checking out the link. I don't want anything happening to any of our Mac products.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
We use both - never a problem with our Macs
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
I have never had a problem on my Mac with viruses. However, I periodically run a Malwarebytes scan. It's free and recommended by Apple if you want to check.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
We've being using Macs since 1986. Never had a virus. Real simple. Only download apps from known and vetted sources. Like Sam says, you have to go through several steps before a Mac can be infected.
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
Good to know they caught it. To get infect it one has to something out of the ordinary...
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV
We had some weird stuff contacted Apple, and it was a hoax trying to sell us some bogus help. Check with Apple. We have not had any problems since A
Gary Coles (Internatio...
Las Vegas, NV