Read the listing agreement. We never have a cancellation penalty and will gladly release a client if unhappy. That term is one that both Broker and Seller need to discuss and agree to upon negotiation of the Listing Agreement.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
One can terminate an agency relationship at any time. But you need a reason or you may be in default of non-performance.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
We will release an unsatisfield client if they are not happy with our service. We tell this to them at our initial CMA meeting. In all the years we have been orking in this business, it has only happened to us once...
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Yes, in most cases.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
Yes, depends on the contract. There might be fees.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
All is spelled in the Listing agreement, a broker signature is required.
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Robert 'VEGAS BOB' Swetz - a contract should have an 'out' clause. Did you not have one?
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
Yes go to the managing broker and they will let you out of the contract.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by to comment and when I asked my question I wanted to act as if I were a homeowner.
Some homeowner's that list their homes don't know and or understand all the fine lines within a listing contract, even though we read the contract, etc.
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV
our agreements always have that statement included....we don't hold anyone up, if they want out....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
A contract plays a significant part in Real Estate yet it is not worth the paper it is written on unless the parties first agree, stay agreed & finish the agreement
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Robert 'VEGAS BOB' Swetz Only if there is a provision in the listing agreement or all parties agree to mutually terminate the listing. Sellers sometimes forget that a listing agreement is a formal contract.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Only if the contract has an "early cancellation" clause. If it doesn't, make sure you write one in before you sign it.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
In our area the listing agreement does not have an out for the property owner. Most, not all but most, agents however do let their sellers out of the listing contract if they are not happy.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
if you were listed with me you could. I don't believe in holding people to contracts in that situation
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
It depends. Speak with the broker.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Only if the contract terms include a clause allowing that. Mine always include an out clause but I vary the minimum term depending on how much I need to do for each listing.
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
Talk with the agent and see if the problem can be resolved. Then talk with the broker. Most situations can be worked out. You can' t just break a contract because you are not happy.
I tell clients up front that if I'm not doing what I promised to do, they can "fire me." I also reserve the right to "fire" them if the relationship is not working. At the end of the day, contract or not, why would I want to hold someone (or me) "hostage" to it if the relationship is not working.
What does your contract say about cancellation? Also our contracts have a section that says the seller will still owe a commission if the house is sold to someone the listing agent has already shown the house to. We can put that period of time out for as long as we want. I use 180 days.
Not according to the standard listing agreement without a cancellation clause.
It depends on what it states in the listing agreement. If you have an out clause you can use it to get out. You might otherwise be obligated to continue with the terms of the contract. Beware that if an offer comes in at full price and terms you could be obligated to pay a commission even if you don't sell the home. You can not be forced to sell though.
You can call the agents Broker and ask that another Agent be given your listing. The original agent will still get a referral fee if your home is sold. The referral fee is taken off the new agents commission. Also read your contract. is there an excape clause?
A contract is a contract out here and not breakable. Check the agreement for any cancellation clause, but I don't think there is one in CA for example.
Depends on your contract. Most agents will not hold a client "hostage" if things are not going well, but some arrangements may have to be made e.g. I've seen brokers asking for compensation related to advertising.
Depends on the contract and then it is between the clients and the broker. I have never had it happen to me, but usually a broker will allow them to cancel if they are unhappy with the services of the agent.
I know of some agents that will take the seller to court, weird, never a win win I say.
Not an attorney, nor do I play one on TV, but barring specific language in the "contract", One party cannot void a "contract" without the agreement of all other parties to the "contract", which in my state, is not the listing agent, but the Broker.
That said, as a practical matter, and a general rule, it benefits neither party to hold to an agreement they are not satisfied with, and if the cause of the dissatisfaction/deficiency cannot be worked out or cured, a mutual release would be a prudent business decision.
Ther *may* be other factors, such as if there is an accepted offer on the property, different game/different story.
It really has to depend on the language in the listing agreement. I've seen some listing contracts make the seller pay for all the marketing materials and time spent by the listing agent; which we know is extensive and expensive Robert 'VEGAS BOB' Swetz
What does the ontract say? I insert language that lets them out, subject to their reimbursing our marketing expenses, we will let them out. The "protection" period stays, however.
Do you mean, when is a binding agreement not binding? O.o LOL
Having said that, we add a mutual cancellation clause to our listing agreements. If dissatisfied, they can bail. So can we.
Many mls get cancelled in a few days. I changed my mind. Some turn around hire another agent.
Go by the terms of the agreement. I recommend an early release provision.
I believe Real Estate agents can be fired. There is a form both parties have to sign in Texas to release the seller from the contract. Most Brokers are willing to do this with no penalties but you will need to check with the Broker to verify! The Broker may want to re-assign the listing to another Agent in the office.
Good question Robert 'VEGAS BOB' Swetz as i do get these calls from sellers who listed with the big company and didnt get what they thought for service, now they want out. They cant just void a contract but have to be asked to be relesed from it in writing, and most of important, the agent had to agree to it by signing it.
You can here. No issue that is unless you signed a contract with a cancellation fee.
No, not until the contract is up whatever that time frame is. Agent can let seller out if they so desire.
Real estate is local and there are at least 50 different listing agreements used by agents so no one can answer your question without seeing the contract used in your area.
In the MAR listing agreement , each company can insert their termination policy
It depends on the specific contract. You might be able to take the house off the market but might be tied to that realtor anyway for the initial term period. The fine print is important!