Dotloop sucks on multi levels - can you not use one of the other 2 I can think of offhand in AZ (Docusign or the other one that comes via Zipforms?)
No problem with 10 people with the same address.
I would, otherwise in your situation, have a Fedex account or overnight via local Staples, Officemax etc . . . and charge the buyer/seller for me overnighting with return. Watch how quickly they acquire email. LOL!
I have MULTI clients over 70 . . . NO ONE has a problem with Docusign, btw.
John Mosier
Prescott, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
If post mail isn't reliable, then DHL or FedEx. If local, drive to them.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Other than overnight, is there an agent near them that could help you by having the client come to that agents office. It would be helpful to have a pro on that end. It would cost a little but might be worth it.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
John Mosier
Prescott, AZ
I have worked with several elderly people who don't have email. Each is different. But you can't force dot loop or any other technology on them. I go in person, or Fed Ex everything. sometimes I can fax to a nearby UPS or Office Depot, etc, and they pick up and fax back from there. Once I used a Library. You just have to be patient and flexible with some people.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
I use post office Direct Mail, telephone and often personal contact to interact with a local religious community that uses minimal modern technology. Sometimes it is actually nice to go "Old School" like I did in my early years
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Smith Mountain Lake, VA
John Mosier The old fashioned way is the only way to work with my sister & brother-in-law. She has a dumb cell phone but no email; he does answer the house phone and will 'talk your leg off' as he is the original 'people' person.
Good luck at your new brokerage
John Mosier
Prescott, AZ
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Fex EXpress overnight mail. That was the way to handle transactions before the invention of WWW.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
I had a client who did not have a computer, nor email or cell phone. Communication was over a land line and in person.
Obviously, your situation is different.
I believe DocuSign addresses the issue of one email address/two parties.
Without email, you may be limited to USPS Express Mail or one of the private providers.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Have not had that as a problem so far.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Give the clients a fax machine.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
That would be painful since email is so prevalent these days. However I would accommodate them with a smile!
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
If they are out of the area, I usually send a fax to their bank. They are most comfortable with sending it to someone they trust in their hometown. If they are local I have them come by the office or I sometimes meet them at their home or a neutral place.
I have worked with lots of these folks.
Tammy Lankford,
Eatonton, GA
With them being out of the area, that makes it more difficult. I would use FedX overnight to send docs.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I try to help people as best I can - I've helped many clients set up a gmail account, and when all else fails, delivery by hand or directing them to a local office center works.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Have them find out where their nearest Kinko's or similar is located. That way you can fax back and forth. Some of my clients who are off the grid do that. If they only have one email? Set up a Gmail or similar account for them; then tell them how to go in and change the password to make it theirs. Just make it easy for them and they won't resist. I certainly wouldn't pass up making them a client just because of that.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I agree with Sam Shueh , Fed-Ex or some other overnight service.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
If local we meet in person for any document signing. If a distance I use overnight mail. You get pretty used to the ease of elecronic signatures and then when you have to go back to the basics it's a challenge, and more time consuming. You do what you have to do
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Sounds like it is time for FEDEX, docu-sign or good old snail mail.
With Staples, UPS outlets and other outlets they should be able to get to a FAX machine.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I have never had FEDEX lose a document, and they can deliver first thing in the morning. Some of our clients have used planes to deliver their documents, etc. You can also fax documents to their local UPS or Fed EX or their bank...A
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Have not seen Dotloop, we have CTM e-contracts, but would still have issues with only one email. I have a client right now with no computer or email, and have to go back to the dark ages - get ink signatures.
That's a tough one, we've become addicted to email, etc.; even faxes are considered quite obsolete. All I can recommend is overnight shipping if you are not near your clients, but it's costly; you would need to figure out who pays.
Listed one yesterday the old fashion way. In person and on paper with pen.
I go to their house in person for signatures or if I know a remax offuce close by I call the office and reqest a favor. My clients have also gone to Staples to fax.
I have no idea.........., since I had only one local client 80+ y.o. without email/fax and i had to drive there for every signature.
Good morning John. I have this situation many times, have it going on right now. The Realtor has been a great help, scanning the necessary documents to me.
My market is mostly sales involving out of state principles. On the rare occasions when one is without email or fax we are often able to get them to open an email account. Otherwise we rely on FedEx rather than snail mail.
John Mosier it's all about them, isn't it?
Recently I drove to my client's place just to get the signature on the offer!
Whatever it takes.
If my client does not use a fax or email I meet them at their house or a local coffee shop or have them come to my home/office and we do business there the good old fashioned way, that still works! I work real estate according to each client.
Maybe you'll need to start doing things the old fashioned way - in person!
Hopefully they have a phone and car and can come to my office. Oops I see you work with out of state clients I guess your Sh-- out of luck. I guess you can use pigeons.
I have the client locate a friend or business center that they can use to get documents sent to and they can also send from. Also I ask if they have a smartphone because many of the esigning systems can be done on a phone and surprisingly many folks have them and don't have computers.
Dot loop is simple once you get the hang of it. I'll respond to your post tomorrow morning..
I meet with them in person and lots of phone conversations. As few trips as necessary. I will do whatever it takes to make my clients comfortable.
I have sent or received maybe two Faxes since 1993. I had to go the UPS Store or Kinko's, because I do not have a FAX machine.
John Mosier If they don't have email, they probably not be agreeable to other technologies. What did we do before email? We communicated by telephone and got into our car to deliver documents.
We have clients out of AZ that are older, and snowbirds. Some do not do e-mail or texting or faxing John Mosier. That being said, they do have adult children or grandchildren who have computers and smartphones, and who live near by (in the same town). We have had excellent 'luck' working with these adult children who will help their parents and grandparents with technology-related issues or fears, and I hope that you do, too!!
John, if your brokerage offers training on the new systems, I would suggest you take advantage of them.
I customize solutions to meet the needs of each client. I know a lot of people who do not use fax and do not use email.
If your question is, "How to I make the transition easier...
Introduce yourself to the office trainer or pick a mentor and stay within reach of them until you've got a better handle on the systems.
If your question is "How do I provide proper service to unplugged citizens'
you need to know why they are unplugged.
A solution could be the local Kinko's or UPS store.
There are few, probably none, markets in Florida that are so slow the seller is willing wait for archaic methods for completing a transaction. For those few I would take a look at the names on 'THE LIST' and see who I can light up with an opportunity.