Harry Norman, Realtors in Atlanta, GA is also owned by Berkshire Hathaway.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
It's good for Buffet.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
There is a great upside to owning real estate companies. I know his companies own in various ways, several companies here in the Louisville market, and they offer much more than just real estate sales, but also title, warranty and I believe finance products.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
It's a good thing. That man definitely does his home work.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
If you are directing the question to the public it could be bad if they bought up most of the agencies in a community and created a monopoly type situation. I.E. it's our way or no way! But generally I don't think it will make much of a difference.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Owning a real estate company is sure to be an eye opening experience !
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
They have got a plan and none of us are privvy to it. Given Buffet's track record, it has to be good. We are presently consulting a team in the company, and we really like the management and their approach to the agents. A
If Warren Buffet thinks its a great investment to be a Realtor, I like our chances moving forward.
I'm with Ronald Gombach in his questions. But I will add this--he purchased Prudential Carolinas many years ago here in Charlotte and I can't say I was overly impressed with the end result and especially with the corporate culture that evolved there.
Good, he has standing and it makes real estate look more like a business to people.
If you hold or manage a lot of real estate, owning the middle ware (brokerage) augments the revenue stream in unimagined ways.
And if Buffet has financing services they will own the complete chain. The goal is to keep folks hopeful but not independent.
Now, if you could grow your business and deal out your broker(or be the broker) and NAR and your local association to whom does the benefit go?
He is also quietly buying up a lot of real estate. Buy low sell high.
In my market he bought two companies. Koenig and Strey and Rubloff and merged them into 1 company Berkshire Hathaway. He also has another group of funds called "Invitation Homes" with the Blackstone Group that bought foreclosures and is now renting these homes. I think these two entities are seperate ventures but it would make sense to have Berkshire sell these home in the next couple of years.
I find it interesting that they are doing this since the conventional wisdom is the conventional real estate brokerages are no longer profitable. Obviously B-H knows something.
I haven’t seen the innovation I had hoped he would bring to the industry. Those with more knowledge can set me straight but I don’t see agents rushing to work in his companies.
Be scared, be very very scared. The end of real estate as we know it began when Bill Gates first tried to take over the MLS. The big boys will win, they always do. It's the golden rule, those with the gold rules. Notice how much more work we are already doing to make far less money. This is happening in Appraisal, Lending, Realty, Escrow and factory workers. Squeezing us to death whenever they can.
It makes no difference to me either way and I am with a Berkshire Hathaway company. I do not refer through the brand and don't take referrals from them either. I generate my own business.
Warren Buffett only invests in what he believes in and that is great for Real Estate.
I think it's good. And I gotta say, if my wonderful company got sold to the local real estate giant, I would probably have Berkshire Hathaway on my short list. I'm a fan of Warren Buffet. A lot of people do.
Probably a good thing, he seems to have an eye for good investments, some of which I would never buy from or invest in, but it works for him.
For the public it makes no difference. I'm not even sure the name makes a difference to the majority of the public. For us agents, we have the option to join or not.
In a franchise Buffet would be the one to make the most money having all the agents pating to the top a percentage of each sale. There are other franchise's that do the same and hit the average Joe with a fee here or there so again the top gun makes money while his feet rest on the desk.
It gives WB a direct window into the RE markets. He's been known to say that in a down market, he would buy in quantity. Hope he will be cautious enough not to skew the market due to his activity.
BILL CHERRY No different that what the big box franchises did in the 80's/90's buying up the small offices. Warren Buffet must see this as a good investment.
They are all over SF Bay areas started in SF and Peninsula.... I thought it was very high end until see agents sell fix upper homes as well......
Realtors.com also got back some market share from Z....
I prefer to see strong financial backing for franchises. It does make a difference.
They are buying up a lt of places here to, they can throw their money around but bigger is not better, service sells
It makes no difference to us in this market ...the franchisee and the reputation he/she has is more important.
I still believe that the value of a real estate company lies in the local agents with the clients. If Buffet wants to squander away his money, so be it.