It's not the number of views that count. What counts is did you convert any of those views to clients. 99% of the bloggers don't have a clue of how to track those stats.
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
Les & Sarah Oswald
Eastvale, CA
I do more FAQ's.
My #1 post has a bit over 138,000 clicks
Oil vs water based Polyurethane - which is best for hardwood floors
I have another with 129,000 and a 3rd with 102,000.
La Jolla, CA
What a great question, Michael. I went back and looked at my stats here on AR. My largest number of views was 26,883 on a detailed post I wrote (when I was an active agent) about how to do Lease-To-Own. I had a lot of calls and feedback on that from agents and consumers all over the country.
Other than that, my greatest number of views came from using my local city name in blog titles... local information.
Now, as a retired agent turned mentor/trainer/ghostwriter, my highest views are on posts about how to blog effectively. Anything that indicates it's going to help agents earn more money, gets views.
Jeff Dowler, CRS
Carlsbad, CA
Generally something with a universal title that will grab lots of attention.
Michael - The most views on any blog post have been actual listings and information about Localism. I had several posts with over 50,000 views, but nothing even close to that lately.
A couple of localisms posts - Christmas parade downtown Denver and think I had 3000 views.
It was a long time ago, but think the view were over 300 and comments in the 100 range! Never was sure why!
Good morning Michael. I don't pay much attention to these numbers, as long as my posts produce new business, so far so good. The most views I have has on a post was over 45,000.
Good morning Michael J. Perry . I really don't know as I have never checked it out.
Michael J. Perry - I like to write good market reports with infographics in it.
I get about 1500 views/week for the 7 markets I cover - and that's really great.
As a rule, anything with a picture of one of my pets. But my all time high was a post I did on Permastone.
The listings get the least views right now. The ones that are about more personal topics do better.
A post I did on the vapor caves in Ouray has gotten me the most views. This is followed by a market report I did on Grand Mesa cabins for sale. I just checked these numbers to answer your question.
my top two are great community posts but not ones that bring much business
Lake Sinclair- boat rentals (people called me all the time to ask so I wrote a post with links and prices) 24,000 + clicks
Putnam County Animal Shelter- do you have room for a new friend?
24,000+ clicks
Lake Sinclair-Forest Lake Village- a great place to live
22,000+ clicks and more than 8 deals from it since I wrote in 2011. I've sold, listed and have a current listing in the neighborhood and it still ranks on page one for the subdivision and brings business.
I get a few thousand hits when I write about niche products like delayed financing, job offer letter loans, and the such. Current events sometimes pop up to several thousand views, too.
I am astounded by Women of Westchester Working Together post views that's amazing
My local job fair blogs usually pull the most view...no comments, however, lots of views. My most visible blog was when Amazon was hiring for their local distribution centers.
Posts on communities get the most views. I have a bunch with over 10,000 views each. Most viewed was a post on Short Sale in 2007 - I think there are over 90,000 views now