John, as soon as the phone start ringing I am working and it stops when the phone stops ringing. I normally turn my phone off at 10:00 pm.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
7am-3pm Monday-Friday. Closed weekends and holidays. And by appointment...
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
I work until my work is done!!! there are many days when I work online from 7:00am to 7:00pm
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
I schedule personal time first and then book buyer or seller appointments. I am not, nor have I ever been, a morning person and I'm happy to say "like attracts like!"
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Do I schedule time off? Not often but when there are family events or trips ourt of town I do. I generallly am available from 8 until 6, more if in the midst of a transaction
John Cooper
Roseville, CA
I'm working 24/7 on something. Wednesdays I do take time off to hang out with my kids / grandkids.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
I'm to new in my career with ambitious production goals unless I'm ill I'm working.
John Cooper
Roseville, CA
Regular hours and a scheduled day off are worthy goals but extremely hard to do if you are working with very many clients at a time. I enjoy a little down time as I can catch it.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
I have never had a 9 to 5 schedule except for my office staff.
Hannah Williams
Philadelphia, PA
I get my daughter off to school at 8, so really start my day then. I pick her up at 3:15, so try to block the time so I have time with her. I work whenever it comes up, but try to limit evenings to when everyone is having downtime or in bed. Weekends are almost always open unless I have plans or have blocked time off for the kids.
John Cooper
Roseville, CA
I start at 7am(or earlier) and am done by 2pm. I schedule appts. for 7pm when needed . An immediate client need or addition changes all of this .
John Cooper
Roseville, CA
No, I do not keep ''normal business hours''. I'm a business owner and i work when and how long I need to. But of course, 9-5 would be nice.
John Cooper - most of the agents do work above and beyond that 9-5 business hours, I believe.
However, I have seen many agents having a team who work strictly between 9-5!
Though I believe Customer Service is a required component of our job - and that means working for longer hours than just 9-5.
John, I find that having 9-5 hours doesn't work for most people. Here is why:
- Clients work 9-5, so you need to show them homes outside of that time. (most important one)
- Most realtors work until late in the evening to accomodate clients and other realtors (I was trading emails with escrow at 1030pm on Friday, as an example).
- One of the great benefits of RE is flexibility. Want to take a few hours off mid day to go to a movie, go shopping when the stores are empty, go to the driving/shooting range? Go for it!
- Unless you work for Redfin, you work for yourself. Your compensation is proportional to the amount of effort you put in.
My typical day: Up at 8, do emails, hit AR for a couple hours, check on my clients, go to the gym in the afternoon, work into the evening. Of course, these last couple weeks, things have been more hectic and AR is in the late evening and I see the gym as I drive by it, but that's the nature of the beast.
I work more like 8am - 8pm. Some days off are scheduled and other are just taken when I can. OR, when I need it.
No I work different times and weekends . I also work nights . People who want to buy or sell houses work 9-5 . So I set my hours to accommodate my clients and myself . Real Estate is a demanding job .
I market in the morning and do online things at night. The rest of the time is as need. I try to stay light on Sunday and Monday as those are my husbands days off.
I work when I need to, provided I am rested enough to be lucid. Generally, that means 6am through 4pm. I am a zombie much after dark . . . weekends are by appointment, and I schedule around Sunday which is mine barring a crisis.
Ok...you are asking realtors if they work 9 to 5? Do you want an honest answer? I don't know when 9 o'clock begins or when 5 o'clock ends.
I didn't realize how many of you would be on the rain today. Awesome comments and feed back.
work whenever there is money to be made or a client you already have needs you
I work 9 to 6 then a break for dinner a little more after that - I try to take time off to spend time with my husband.
My hours vary. I go into the office during "regular" business hours several times a week but I work a lot from home and from my daughter's house when I'm babysitting for my grandson.