Like all plans, some work, some don't, None work all the time for everyone.
How it works for you depends on the details. When I use it I make it a 30 day limit. HOWEVER, my time has value. The owner must COMMIT to make the house sell-able in 30 days. These plans are very good for the serious seller. And if you have a strong list of buyer....works even better.
However, if you are simply 'scrapping' for listings, and have no real value to offer, the outcome will be disappointing.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
La Jolla, CA
In reading the fine print of most of these set ups, the Seller loses big time! I wouldn't tarnish my reputation with such a gimmick. It is another way of "Buying a Listing" for desperate agents. IMO
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
I'm not a fan. I agree with Annette
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
When I offered a "guarantee", it was fluid. It wasn't so much about what I wanted to guarantee as it was about understanding what the client expected. I sat down with the buyer or seller client in the beginning and we shared our mutual expectations. We both had an understanding of what the other expected as we moved through the process.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
I don't because after reading the small print, it is not in the best interest of the client
Whatever technique you choose, the most important is to stick to it and do everything timely. Good luck.
I am not a fan of guarantees and certainly don't like the liability risk . I had to fire an agent who sent out postcards guaranteeing a sale or he would buy it himself language but the him was actually me because he worked for me . I had to do a disclaimer.. Never again
As with any guarantee it all depends on the fine print. Just think of any weight loss product, gym membership, car sale ad, late night informercial, stock market analysis... the list goes on.
I know people who have used these and they worked great for them, in the right market. If homes sell in 30-60 days, then a 90 day guarantee is a no-brainer. Fine print is always a key though. "Seller must list at or below realtor's recommended price" is a good one. An overpriced home may not sell, but one priced right may fly off the shelf in the right market. Like others said before me, seller must make home available and in good condition...
Some well known multi-national retailers have guarantees of this length or even longer. I like to give them my business. It works.
Guarantee to sell in 57 days if not sell I will do it for free. Common on.... Baloney.
These are always causes for dispute. Agents often receive compliants and sometimes get dismissed from brokerage.