Hi, Shanna.
In Florida, Condos are a "big deal". They can be a blessing or a curse. May I respectfully suggest, read those Condo Docs until you know them thoroughly. Review all financial statements, etc.
You may want to spend an hour or so with a Real Estate Attorney, to review the documents, financial statements, etc. It will be money well spent.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Shanna, check out some other condo projects that look like they are well managed. Talk to them - it might be a good place to start.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Good morning Shanna. I don't mind managing property, as long as I own it.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Shanna Hall - not done, and not much of experience either.
Good luck - you can do it!
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Don't do rentals, have a friend that owns a property management company. Good luck!
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
No. There are a number of major management companies in our market.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
No. I stick to residential sales and leave the management of condos to who specialize in managing condo complexes! As an owner it might be wise to have an arms length relationship with a managing company..thinking of liability issues.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Good luck. The others have given you good advice.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Never have as that is a completely other 'arm' of real estate and requires specialized liability and E & O insurance and the ROI is not as great as general RE.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Shattuck, there's bound to be some good models out there. Study them
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Hi Shanna -- I would also suggest the approach suggested by Patricia Kennedy --- check other complexes where the association seems well managed.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I don't manage property. Although the company I work for manages a few apartment complexes and about 80 other rental homes.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I am on the Board of Directors of one and have been for almost 10 years. I have ownership of a few dozen of the units but do not manage the whole complex but work closely with the management company and make most of the major decisions.
Check you financials and make sure there is not a problem. Why are they resigning? Get quotes for management from some other companies and then select the one that has the best service and reputation.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I would check out other complexes and see who they use. Speak with the president of those hoa's and ask if they like or dont like.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I used to manage complexes. When I retired, I recommended another agency with a good reputation. Your current management company should be able to guide you to a reputable company. But, don't stop there. Inquire with other condo associations also. They can tell you who they use and if they are happy. Good luck, Shanna.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I don’t. I’ll be curious to see if any of the Q&A regulars do.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO