I've been using my primary inspector for so long I really don't remember. I may have "tested" him on my own home when I was building and it went from there.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Jeffrey Jones
San Tan Valley, AZ
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
TeamChi - Complete Home Inspections, Inc. ActiveRain, Jay Markanich is the best.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Joan Dickie
La Crosse, WI
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
I have more than one home inspector I recommend/refer and the sources vary including:
Observation when they were representing a buyer when I had the listing.
Referral from another agent or client.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
He is cute, witty and bring treats to my training classes.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
I have three (3) that I refer to my clients since I cannot legally suggest one to them. Those were referred to me by previous clients dealing with them.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
One was the recommended one for the office; the second was a friend of a client and the third was just starting and I needed someone quicker than the first two. The third has actually become the main guy.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
he inspected our personal home
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Referrals from other agents in my office & then I provide at least three of these to my clients to choose from.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The home inspector I use did a presentation at BOLD, and he was recommended by several agents in my office. The first time I used him he impressed me from the beginnimg. He was easy to reach by all means of communication. His inspection was thorough. He was prompt. He earned my business and I have not used or tried any other home inspector.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I used one when buying my own home. We clicked, he makes sense, doesn't make mountains out of molehills, talks about future maintenance, etc
The 2nd was a client buying a home and I was impressed with how he inspected his own place.
The 3rd is there only because she is female. Sexist I know, but I have some single lady clients who wouldn't feel comfortable with a male inspector!
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Michael - It was the home inspector my broker used, and she had 15 years experience when I started with her.
One of my inspector was inspecting foreclosed properties. I have used him for 12 years. The other was recommended by another agent. The third is an inspector a buyer of mine used and I really liked his work.
They stopped by our office at least once a month with pop buys for the agents. Pens, pencils, note pads etc. Even home baked cookies from his wife.
One is a tried and true inspector that I've used on all my houses and my broker has been using for a decade or more.
The other one I recommend was hired by a buyer to one of my listings and did a good job.
Referral and one I met networking. I will send 3 names and let my client choose.
One of my inspectors I came to know because of how many agents complained about meticulous he was. I have been 100% pleased. The biggest shortcoming of inspectors is their interface with the client. That keeps me from using guys that are otherwise competent.
He always came to our Friday morning marketing meetings on Friday, and seemed knowledgeable.
You will love this.
I was holding an open house on a Saturday afternoon. My inspector was all dressed up in his inspector outfit with his company name and logo on his shirt. He came in my open house, handed me a $10 Starbucks card along with some brochures about his company and chatted until a potential buyer arrived. I loved him and have been using him ever since.
I have had my inspector or about 10 years. My neighbor recommended him to me (they grew up together). I had a bad experience with an inspector that I had been using and one of my buyers picked him off the list of ASHI inspectors that I provided. He is great! I have been using him since. Now his wife is one of my best friends and I am actually getting to know his family- odd how these things work out!
The home inspection company was endorsed by our office. Are they the greatest? No but they are really pretty much all the same in my opinion. They do non-invasive inspections and have a list of exclusions that cover them from anything missed. My suggestion is that you hire an individual contractor for electrical, one for plumbing, one for roofing etc. That is the best way and not the companies that bring in six people like a three ring circus.
The other side of a transaction used them and I really liked their work all the way around.
from being satisfied after participating with a deal on a home he inspected many years ago....and he's still going strong with us....
Referral from another happy agent that used him.
Hey which makes me think, you can ask an agent that you work with if you can use them as a testimonial of sorts to break in with other agents in that office. Nothing so formal but 'Jane says ..... ' I can do the same great job for you.
Other: We have a great sense of humor & try & take the pressure off the buyer at the inspection. Some people get so tensed up they can't sleep the night before & think the house is going to kill them (REO) as example.
I'll never forget when my inspector turned on the sump pump to see if it was working & more water came in from the crack in the foundation then went out. It was like a firehouse coming back into the basement. We were soaked & of course the seller said there was no problems in the basement.
As a recommendation of another agent. I like that he told me flat out that he wouldn't take any guff from me. I don't give arguments to inspectors. I want them to be painfully honest.
They inspected one of my listings.
They were obviously more professional and meticulous that my current company. They followed up to make sure wer recieved our copies and generally showed they wanted our business.
Some by referral. Some by their marketing to our office. Some by whoever answers the phone and can meet our schedule.
I have a list of 5 inspectors that has changed over the years. They have come to me through referrals or as primarily listing agent inspectors that buyers have used that are fair, thorough but not with an attitude! There is one inspector I'd never recommend..his arrogance is more than I can take.
It was a referral and after having a great experience, i use them often. What i like is good or bad, they are not alarmists, they explain the good, the bad and what it means.
I don't hire / use a home inspector. The buyer chooses the home inspector. It can be one of their own choosing or from a list I provide.
We provide a list of several, along with a link to the full list. Buyers choice!
We have a list at the office. I give the list to the buyers if they ask me.