You do not need to be a full time all service agent. Focus on things you enjoy. Good luck!
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
John Pusa
Glendale, CA
Become a broker or a manager that doesn't sell. That will keep you deeply invooved with people and solving problems.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Maybe get an appraisers license they do research every day
Katricia Navarrete
Renton, WA
I'm not sure what "real estate research" is. I'm with Sandy, I invest (and have been since I turned 18) in and out of real estate. It's what allowed me to retire from the corporate rat race and come here.
John Pusa
Glendale, CA
Not sure what RE research is, but there are many avenues in this game, hope it worked out well for you.
You may wish to consider real estate management. There are many staff positions at major companies.
I have an idea don't be anonymous. Maybe write about real estate for you local paper?
If you love something - just do it!
You excel in the job you love - so why not?
Maybe you want to do training and recruiting for a broker since you still enjoy people
I love working in leadership on the local and state level. But this won't work unless you are financial set. Why not teach?
The first broker I worked for told me I will make more money investing in real estate than selling real estate. I got my broker's license and have bought over five real estate investments. . houses, duplexes, and land. These investments have risen with inflation as well as the rents have gone up over the years. . . . here is to retirement with a great income. I also do some property management for past clients. Good luck with your future.. .
I am buying notes . . . which requires research . . . but so far, so good!
(I love RE, I love research, I love people and sometimes can take or leave people as well) ;)
Do whatever makes you feel good and you are passionate about and you will sort out what that is when you find it.
There are many options available to you.
However, at some point you will be required to sell your services to those whose money you want.
To avoid sales, you have then only one choice, become an employee. In that capacity, the most likely 'research' opportunity is locating appropriate real estate needed by employers such as cell companies, (roof tops to place antennas) franchises, just about any growing business. I can not imagine any of these companies hiring anyone simply because the have a real estate license.
If you want to stay in the sea with all the smiley faces, and research is your passion, consider a service that adds value to what the smiley faces do.
An example would be, researching the current and past owners of a house to identify if folks of great accomplishment, notoriety or simply notorious once lived there. I will let you figure out what can be done with that effort that brings tangible value to the agent who pays you.
An example is HERE.
Perhaps consider community development department of local Village Hall? So many ways to tailor your experience to something you love doing! Continue to grow! Good luck.