Problem with solar is the lien which is like a tax lien in first position. I assume you are talking about getting the lien taken off title rather than sending a handyman to take down the glass panels. This is a scam that homeowners were often lied to - Solar City one of the worst offenders. US Department of Energy and US Justice has a task force investigating. Getting it off is only achieved by legal means or payoff :( frowny face Who was original Title company? Where are the wet signatures from the homeowner? Start there
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Sorry, I can't help you as that is not an issue here in the Dallas area. But I will be interested to read the comments as I am sure it will be in the future.
Karen - Having leased solar panels on a home are a huge issue, especially when trying to complete a sale/purchase of the property. I did sell a home with leased solar panels, and was able to transfer the lease to the new buyers. Best of luck in this situation. Unfortunately many home owners have no idea what they are getting into when they get convinced to have solar panels installed through a lease program.
No. Many home sellers are shocked when they learn that the lease must be satisfied in order to provide a clear title when selling their home.
Never understood why a person would BUY a home then RENT the solar panels.
Those leases can be quite overpriced and restrictive, best of luck getting out of the lease.
KAREN SANCHEZ - None so far!
The lender has some concerns when there is a leased solar on a house.
I haven't. On one my listings I had, the sellers called over one year ago asking the company that installed it to come remove it. It's still there.