With Zillow you are usually buying impressions- so in a target zip code they will flash to top agents and paid subscribers, so in that flash you have to be strong to compare, if you don't have the reviews or closings to match up you would be wasting money. The closings and reviews you can add for free to maximize your exposure cost effectively. Trulia is partnered now so your profile goes to both. On both sights you can buy listing leads, which are valuation requests, yes most don't pan out but some do, but at least the lead comes directly and exclusively to you. That is proibably a more cost effective way to try it out. good luck- yes Zillow and Zestimates are the devil, but they aren't going anywhere so its best to find a way to work with them not against them
Tess Bockes
Mechanicsburg, PA
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
Vera Gonzalez
Sterling Heights, MI
Nattalie de la Mothe
Atlanta, GA
Never had good luck with Z or T and would spend the money elsewhere!
Nattalie de la Mothe
Atlanta, GA
Build your profile on all FREE sites, ask past & current clients to write reviews. Blog in the Rain, ActiveRain. Good luck.
Linda Guess
Branson, MO
Nattalie de la Mothe
Atlanta, GA
I do not have experience as a Zillow Premier Agent.
Nattalie de la Mothe
Atlanta, GA
Look through Q&A surveys, I asked this questions and rec'd 18 replies and the stats stick even this date.
Nattalie de la Mothe
Atlanta, GA
I had the exact same question, Nattalie de la Mothe. You got some great responses, especially Jeffrey Jones answers.
Much better ways to find interested parties than to pay Z for a list of people who were coerced into filling out a form on their site.
Make the most of your AR account and you will hear the phone ringing!
Nattalie de la Mothe - I am happy with Zillow - my ROI has been pretty good with Zillow year after year!
I only use their free profile and I'm in the process of building it up. Got my first past client review, working on getting others.