It's up to the individual. I typically prefer to wait until the egg is hatched but it doesn't matter to me what someone else chooses to do.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
By reference at the most....Isn't always our own hand that slaps us?
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
No, I don't for many reasons, but one of them would be karma.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I don't comment on them, either. You never know what can happen during the course of a transaction. The situation can change rather quickly.
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
I only post my postcards that announce sale pending, after a p/s is signed....
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Depends on the comment.
An in-progress transaction may motivate an agent to ask right here on AR - I am in a sort sale transaction with B of A. Does any one have the telephone number of the Servious asset manager for Tampa Area?
Or, seller absconded with refrigerator! Where have other agents purchased refrigerators at the best price?
Or, "Have a listing but neighboring house is a shambles. How can I get the neighbor to 'fix er up!"
Or "Party A and Party B are non-married co-owners of 123 Main Street. Party A is suing Party B to compel them to take ownership if the 125 lb Rottweiler. What can I do?"
Depends on the question.
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Paul S. Henderson, Realtor, Tacoma Washington I agree, it isn't wise to talk about works in progress. I also don't think it is wise to comment on closed transactions unless it is something positive.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I guess I'm a little superstitious (did I spell that right). I think it's bad luck to comment on a transaction in process.
Paul - I don't write about open transactions, and rarely write about anything to do with my transactions, unless I feel it may help others in the future.
Paul S. Henderson, Realtor, Tacoma Washington that is a great idea. Though I have started posting 'Under Contract' posts for listings - it's a public information in our MLS - and is perfectly fine to do so.
I sometimes talk about issues that present a learning experience. I write about them immediately only because I write better when it's fresh
The public likes to sign on with a busy successful agent, so these are good marketing.
My clients would rather that I do not mention their projects by name so I do not, but for those whose clients do not mind it can be a good thing.
Not sure what you mean by "open transaction." Are you talking about a property in contract? I post about new listings and when they sell.
I assume you mean commenting on them through social media? If that's the case, never.
I post Active, Pending, Closed but no details. It actually has brought me business.
Not wise. I always tell clients not to discuss any deals that are in progress,
Good morning Paul. I'm not sure why it makes a difference, I really don't see it as an issue and believe it is up to the person sharing the post.
I post updates: active, pending, sold, etc. but not about any issues. Yet, I might ask a question ( no specifics).
It all depends on what the post is about and what you're saying. You should be careful that what you write not upset any of the parties to the extent that it could put the transaction at risk.
For me to discuss an open transaction on Active Rain would not be advisable. When I need advise on a transaction I talk with experts that I trust and tespect from past experience.
No. Bad practice. Breach of confidentiality and potential evidence. OK to reference in general terms, redacting anything remotely recognizable.
I only discuss open transactions with the relevant and necessary parties and participants and only the relevant portions with those people.
No, there is always a chance someone could leak it out, even if it is members only. It just happened to a members only question.
As long as you do not use names, speak in generalities, and are not slanderous, I do not find it unacceptable to talk about works-in-progress. You might even learn something from the new perspectives that are offered in the comments.
I would never post details about a pending sale, but posting a home as pending sure does attract new listings.
I'd rarely if ever post about open transactions. I may use an element of a previous transaction as an example in a blog post, but nothing with great specificity that could easily identify a transaction.
I think it's fine to post a notice that a sale is pending but would not publicize any other details. Even if there is an object lesson I would wait until the egg has hatched as Michael Jacobs said.
It is always best not to comment on current transactions.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I belong to many agencies where talking about things in progress is verboten, so I try to keep the same with real estate.
Paul, that is an interesting question since I have never thought about writing about an open transaction. I think it might be a good idea if things are going right and there is an object lesson. I see way too many negative post by REALTORS® on Facebook.
Not publicly. Sometimes, it may be wise to seek advise from a broker, peer or lawyer...
I agree with you, we never did except among ourselves and our agents. This was helpful in solving issues, etc. No discussions ever found themselves outside the office. Many times, we had to sign and NDA, even after a deal closed.
We never counted our chickens till the check cleared the bank. A