No magic wand needed. You just focus on each thing and get it done, as you get one done you feel better, which gives you the energy to do the next thing, and then the next thing after that. A
Sandra Graves
Folsom, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Me, Myself and I. I'm the only one, the only thing that has the power to distract me from my goals. I can't put the blame (nor the credit) on anyone else.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Tia Peterson - negative thoughts, negative people around me and negative (unhealty) food!
Sandra Graves
Folsom, CA
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Follow-up, Web-site updates and in-putting info into the MLS ....That way I could just be out with the people ....that's what I like best!
Great question Tia Peterson
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
If I listen to Barbara Todaro --- that wand would wisk off bread and all wheat from my plate --- she's on a campaign, I think. I'm pretty sure she would have me empty that wine glass too.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
It may take a lot more than three things to free up my schedule.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
People who drain my time, World problems, bad health
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Wonderful question.
Purposeful....in search of problems needing a solution.
#1 Get rid of the buyers, meaning OFF MY PLATE...they are still crital in the sales process..DAH! A closed, subscriber based referral system tied to BEP or First Look.
#2. Paperwork
Someone to write and update the 'procedure' guide for a virtual assistant that enables THEM to complete the paperwork.
#3. Media suite
Resources to keep my video information suite contemporary. This would include social media care and feeding.
#4. Making followup and marketing calls. No one knows my business like I do and knows my market like I do. Delegating this crucial task seems dangerous. However, if you are familiar with Ruby, perhaps you have a solution.
This response is intended to stimulate your 'solutions' engine creating the value distinction embraced by service providers.
Best of success,
#1 Solicitation calls and #2 Solicitation Emails, #3 Junk Mail. Remove those and I could focus on my business
It would be filing, prospecting, some marketing ( those routine boring jobs, that take tons of time).
Good Wednesday morning Tia. Why would you need a magic wand? There is no such thing as something for nothing.
Lead generation, lead generation, lead generation. I wish the leads would just fall from the sky and into my hands.
driving around to deliver lockboxes etc, driving to meet with clients, driving myself crazy
As you see in the variety of answers, this business doesn’t have a few big things that we would like to get rid of, it has dozens of little things that pop up from time to time, but not every day.
I think I would like to use my magic wand for some other reason. I wouldn't make anything disappear at this time.
Tia - That is a good question. I guess I would have to say creating a lead capture system and following up with all the leads for one. Number two, blogging and all the social media things we do to generate SEO and more leads. And number three, cooking, dishes, and house cleaning (that takes up at least an hour a day).
I enjoy working with buyers, showing them homes, writing and negotiating the contract, and managing the transaction until it closes. For sellers, I enjoy meeting them, previewing the home and offering recommendations to prepare the home for sale, of course writing up the listing agreement, and then managing the transaction until it closes.
1) Idiotic conditions from underwriting.
2) Agents, title, escrow, etc that don't pay attention to detail and cause time wasting re-disclosures and headaches throughout the process of getting a loan closed
and 3) just about every government regulation that's come into play since 2010 (which drives most of the issues in #1 & #2)
When employing magic or wishes...go for the gold and skip the little stuff
Get rid of competition
Work with People who know me , like me, and want to work with me.
Work Smarter and stay away from Negative People