Less than $30 a month for a tradition CRM.
Now. let's be clear, the greatest expense in CRM deployment is the cost of testing (you really, really, really need to test), configuring, costumizing, training. If the CRM has a long learning curve, you will stop learning the instant you can become functional. That means, for most agents, the bell and whistles will never be used.
Now, there is yet another crucial consideration. There is underway and will be accelerating, a great pivot in how marketing is to be conducted. If you choose the traditional CRM, you will find yourself out-of-sync with the great majority of those you want to reach.
This is imporant. Does your business plan recognize this pivot and made provision for it?
No - use a traditional CRM
Yes - make sure to test these new features in your new tech CRM.
I have a foot in both environments.
TRADITIONAL CRM: www.WiseAgent.com - short learning curve, no credit card required for evalution, has the tools and features I actually use, TODAY.
THE WHERE YOU NEED TO BE TOMORROW CRM: www.SugarCRM.com - more money, better results, strategic positioning. Works well in conjunction with Wiseagent. (in tandem can reduce cost) I'm not going to tell you why. If you discover it yourself, you will give it higher value.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Realty Juggler. It does everything I need at $99 a year. Can't beat the price.
William Tierney
Cohasset, MA
Infusionsoft because since it is not real estate specific the possibilities are limitless. Big learning curve and time investment upfront but so worth it if you are planning on building a lasting business.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I've tried all of the major ones and still cannot find anything better than Top Producer. Suzanne
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I have used Top Producer for 17 years or so, too many contacts to change now!
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Just trying to get a feel for which providers are the best.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Not sure of a fav, would like to spend some time with referral maker or brivity.
Top Producer. It was number one when I started in 1996, became the first and best to move to Internet base and they offer the best customer service of any company I've worked with. They will be around for many generations after I've retired and my information feels safe and guarded. They have been honest and trustworthy and never gauge the customers.