No but I may add in comments that there is a new $8,000 water softener or something like that.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Carla Muss-Jacobs, RET...
Portland, OR
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
S. Leanne Paynter ☼ Br...
Davie, FL
Toby Barnett
Marysville, WA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Cindy Davis
San Diego, CA
I do take photos of the home's mechanicals and of the garage interior or workshop area. I don't include them in the MLS but when I get that "Please send more info" email or the "do you have more than the 30 photos and vtour on mls" this is what I send to them.
It used to be Kitchens & Bathrooms sell houses but I find that very sexist. I have just as many clients wanting to see the mechanics and garages of homes.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Shirley Coomer
Phoenix, AZ
ActiveRain Support
Bellingham, WA
Bob Stewart
Mesa, AZ
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I am not a listing agent as I practice Exclusive Buyer Agency. That said, if I see a photo of the mechanicals on the MLS, it does nothing one way or the other. A photo isn't going to tell me DOES IT WORK?
Steffy Hristova
Tempe, AZ
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin, TN
No. My job is to find a buyer for the home, NOT unsell the home by providing too much misinterpreted information.
That information will be made available if the buyers shows interest.
By not showing them in the MLS images I PREVENT them from becoming an issue for the buyer. It is important for the buyer to be engaged in dialog that suggests such issues could be fixed.
So, 'Let's talk.'
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Cindy Davis
San Diego, CA
We do not. The function of marketing is to get prospective Buyers to visit the property. This means encouraging the Buyers to visit - with professional photography and a professional virtual tour, showcasing the property. Once they arrive at the door, the job of marketing via photos/virtual tour is over. IMHO, the review of the mechanicals can come once the Buyer has arrived.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
That information goes into the extended description but not the published photos.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Amelia Robinette
Falls Church, VA
The property description and features are presented to catch the eye, perk the interest and set the hook. All the rest of it in due time....
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
MLS pictures get perspective buyers into the doors of your listings so you want to display the best features of the home in a best light and for majority of the homes I dont think it will be furnace or water heater
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin, TN
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I never did. I would assume the prospective buyer knows there is a heating system and water heater. Like Praful Thakkar said, it's more of a beauty contest. No need to show the "guts" (functional systems) of the home. As John McCormack said, if there is something extra it would be worth a mention in the listing.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Janelle Ancillotti that's the last thing I'd like to show in listings.
Selling a home is a 'beauty contest'!
Seller's disclosure has the information about the age of such equipments anyways.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Amelia Robinette
Falls Church, VA
No - I don't think they are attractive and you can take care of them in the remarks
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Unless they are unique, special or at least brand new, no. AC in my area is uncommon, especially in more affordable home so I might.
I have in the past, when I first started because I spent time in the HVAC business and it was something I looked at, but I don't think the average person cares.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I don't since there are very few people, like me, that would be interested in them.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Interesting question! Typically I do not photograph the mechanicals or any non-living spaces of the home, with the exception of an air conditioner compressor. Those can be hard not to photograph in a yard photo sometimes. I find most people aren't concerned with how the mechanicals look (they are hidden away afterall). If a garage is something special, I'll photograph it. I've seen a couple in the MLS out here, but they usually belong to multi-million dollar homes and there is usually a VERY nice car in the photo that the realtor was enamoured with.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I have many listings that are "off-grid" on solar power. I think photos of the mechanicals including batteries, solar panels and the inverter and controls are very important and should be included. Photos may not be so important for homes in cities.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I don't include photo's of those items. It may be helpful if there was a new unit that was super fabulous, but other than that, I don't see a reason to include them. People just want to see the bedrooms, kitchen, living area, yard, etc. I have never had anyone ask for pictures of the items you listed.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I think it comes down to the number of pictures allowed on the MLS. We are allowed 20 and I don't see us posting pictures of those mechanicals in lieu of other pictures of the house. A mention of a new furnace or water heater should suffice.
Tammie White, Broker
Franklin, TN
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
SOme of my clients like that. They just maybe added new disposal, a/c unit, water heater or other item. Show it off. And photos are more likely to be seen.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I’m going against the grain here but if I have room and there is something worth showing I sure will. Many houses here in Colorado don’t have AC so if a house has it I want to be sure the potential buyer sees that big new unit and doesn’t just read about it where it could be glossed over.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Generally not; the inspector does.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
If a listing warrants one or some of these items to be featured, I would certainly consider using them. Mostly I don't unless it is a farm and ranch listing with equipment.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Thank you all for your very thoughtful responses. As I suspected, most do not include MLS photos of the mechanicals, and I agree with all your reasons. THANKS!!!
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Andrzej Niemyjski
Sun City West, AZ
I don't recall ever including mechanicals but mention them in the marketing remarks if need be. I advise my seller clients to have pre-marketing inspection and that will be included as an attachment in the mls and is a part of the marketing of the property so those photos and findings can easily be found.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
if it's a clean area and the furnace is "top shelf" I'd want a photo....
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I have them available especially for out of town clients.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I may have 1 or 2 photos if the mechanicals are new or they have extraordinary mechanical set up (ie. air scrubber). I do not feel that it is necessary to include them.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Some include photos, some put it in the specs.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Not generally, but I will note them in the comments if they are present.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Our MLS only gives us 25 slots for pictures so I don't waste any of that precious space on mechanicals but if any of them are newer I always comment on the age of the mechanicals in the verbiage of the listing. We also upload a page to our MLS along with the Residential Property Disclosures that details age of all mechanicals, roof, average utilities and any recent major updates to the home.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I will suggest to the seller that the marketing materials include photos of updated systems which are described in the narrative of the property description. Otherwise, I'm sorry, but you do have to understand that many agents don't understand the mechanics well enough to explain them. Many listings are not properly identified on the MLS by the agent and they don't know when asked during showings - in such cases, I'd argue that they would be better off putting pictures of the roof, the electrical panel, the boiler and the air conditioner/dehumidifier for all to see.
Virtual Realty Consult...
Wellesley, MA
We don't include photos of mechanicals as we prefer to "tease" buyers with only photos of a home's best features. Unless there is something highly unusual about them ( like a tankless water heater ), I would leave them out. It is important to note age of mechanicals though, especially if newer as buyers do like having that information.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
No photos, but it is always found in the MLS info, what appliances and mechanicals it may have such as example: has 30 gallon water heater/electric..details, but I add as many photos as possible and limited to for advertisement.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
No, I'm limited to 30 photos and find that a floor plan is way more valuable/interesting than a furnace.
I ask the photographers that I hire to take 100 photos of the property, including mechanical systems. All my listing clients clean or have cleaned all their systems. I think we've all had home inspection reports include "filter dirty have system checked by licensed professional". I try to mitigate those inspector comments with my own photos and clean systems. I will include the photos on property specific websites, along with virtual tour and if appropriate a 3D walking tour.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I have not included any such photo in the MLS. Although buyers want to know if the home has a new or newer A/C, hot water heater, etc. -- I think it's much more important to state that in the remarks field than to include a photo of it/them.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Generally, no. I used to take photos of furnace, water heater, etc. when listing short sales as most lenders required it. But, those photos were not shared publicly, on the MLS.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
No, not normally. The NWMLS allows 25 photos and there are more features to show than hot water tanks and such.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Not necessary unless it is really something extrordinary for the property and area. Total new HVAC in a 100 year old Elizabethan - maybe. Solar electric - Always. A "glam" home - won't spoil the romance.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Photos should have their own style to them and be able to enhance whatever it needs to be.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
It is rare to see these in our MLS. The verbiage may state new water heater or new AC unit but not pictures. The reason for buying a home is usually location or home features. It is easy to replace a water heater, for example so I never find that a factor for buyers.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
unless you are reporting something uncommon...... Antique fire place.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
I haven't...
I usually try to post photos that will help sell the house. However, if the equipment is fairly new...then most definitely, as it shows the value in the purchase.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Normally, no? The reason being they are replaceable, can be put under a home warranty for under $500 and appliances are a small cost when compared to a $500K home.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
Not picture if the furnace, water heater or something else people worry about was updated recently I will mention it in the comment section.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
We can have 35 photos in our MLS, and if there is room, yes, if the home is large and need all 35 photos for the home, no. The age of the mechnicals is in the property disclosure.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
You may wish to have these photographs for your file but I would not usually include them in marketing materials or in the MLS photos.
A furnace photograph is not going to excite most prospective home buyers.
Janelle Ancillotti
Syracuse, NY
No, I don't think that is a good idea..most don't photograph well..if, they are new or newer I would decsribe them...mos consumers can grasp a visual of these items and don't need photographs.
Myself, I prefer not to since its not too pretty no matter how you shoot the photos.
There is an exception, if it is an "as is" property in which case I want to highlight the value for the money the home is.
Never. If it's something extra or out of the ordinary, feel free to mention it. We have a house under contract with a generator for the whole house. We did mention that, and take pictures but did not post them to the MLS. You have such a short window to make that first impression via your photos. Don't chance a potential buyer seeing anything that won't create a good impression or a good feeling.
Yes for UT, no for AZ (I'm licensed in both states). In UT, some of my listings have very impressive boiler rooms with multiple boilers, driveway boilers, piping for radiant heat, cold and hot water chanels, water features, spa and sauna piping etc and it's amazing that guys will decide to buy a home based on how impressive the "behind the scenes" construction can be. In AZ, we don't have boiler rooms or anything more impressive than a gas water heater or water softener (Sorry HVAC people).
No. I've yet to meet the buyer or agent that says "hey this is a great house but I saw a picture of the water heater and it looks shot ... probably not even looking at" ...
Note: the pictures are to show layout, drive traffic and create some buzz/sex appeal to the property ... get people excited. They will pass their judgements during a home inspection or when looking at the house.
That said, if you are going to take photos of the mechanicals ... don't forget the toilet tank ... :-D
No..we are only allowed so many pictures in mls...I want to show the features..
No I don't usually. It is a matter that we are limited to only 20 photos total and I have to decide which are the best to use.
No, write the date of the mechanicals in MLS, if that is needed information.
No I don't. I keep pics on hand just in case. It reminds me of a bank owned listing.
Our MLS only allows 20 photos and I covet every one of those. I don't put photos of mechanicals in the MLS. I don't even photograph them. However, if the seller has a workshop in the garage, then I include photos of that. Otherwise, I view those MLS photos as valuable real estate and only leave those spots for the best selling features of a home.
I may take them for documentation purposes but I'm not putting those ugly pics in the MLS listing. If I need them down the road then I have them. Unless a buyer says specifically "send me a picture of the furnace or else I won't come out to view" I keep them.
Usually only when they are new or going to attract buyers i would not post a pic of a rusting, dripping furnace for instance.