Buyers like to shop Realtors far more than Sellers, in my experience. I do use Representation Agreements which cuts down on this practice immensely but those who don't want to sign, buh bye now! I have agreements in place with Sellers so why not with Buyers?
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Yes, we point out the benefits of signing up with us, and we do not show homes without an agreement.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Winston - The only thing you can do is show them you care, how much value you bring to the table, and how hard you will work to get them what they want. If you are at all skeptical that they may be using other agents, I would have them sign a buyer/broker agreement. That's really about all you can do.
i like the buyers agreements. we dont use them out here much. should we ask we would look out of place, but if you have a feeling that your getting played, that should flush it out
I don't show properties without a signed Buyer Rep Agreement. So if the buyer is not willing to sign I explain why i require it and how it will benefit them. If they still won't sign I tell them to think it over. I won't waste my time without it.
We have buyers contracts here in CA. They aren't used much, but they can be helpful.
With sellers, the best this is that listing agreement! If you don't walk out of there with it signed, you don't have a listing. Sleeping on it overnight is just a polite way of saying I'm interviewing my friend tomorrow.
This is what we can do for you to get you top dollar quickly. We encourage them to interview other Realtors because we do not take all listings. There has to be a connection.
The simplest thing is following up. Many times I've been told I was the only associate to do so.
I do not do anything of the sort. There either is a connection or isn't.
Winston Heverly There isn't much or anything you can do. Old school advice is to be the last agent interviewed.