I am working with DotLoop now because my brokerage has it as part of the fee's and they check all the paperwork that is uploaded daily for complaiance. It has come a long way since it started many years ago and is good now. I still prefer Docusign, but that is not an option for me sadly.
Can't really speak on the security in much detail, I have not run into any problems but I do keep all my devices pretty secure so I am sure that helps.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
We have it in our office and a free premium account but I haven't taken the time to figure it out. I really should. I have been just so busy (my excuse).
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Yes Anna Hatridge - it's part of KW system. Now I am not sure if it provides enough privacy - though I had no issues so far.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Good morning Anna. We used Dot Loop in the past and found it a good and useful tool. A learning curve to be sure but It doesn't take long to master
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I have in the past. About a year ago we switched over to BackAgent. I like BackAgent better.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
I have never used it and don't know about its privacy.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Hi Anna, I'm sorry but I don't use Dot Loop.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
We use a different system. I heard about some difficulties with DotLoop in past years but it sounds like those have been resolved.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Dot Loop, Loop net, Fruit Loops! How do you know if any of them is safe until you know for sure they are not. Even those folks with 'Top Secret' clearance did not know until they knew for sure they were not safe.
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
We did when we were in KW. Now use Skyslope and it is far superior
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
In Colorado CTM e-contracts are the preferred electronic contract.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Many agents in my area use it and I have a log in and use it when I must. I prefer Authentisign which intergrates with our State forms.