For me it is a Sunday morning issue, I get upset when my phone starts vibrating while I am in church and would never call anyone else before noon on Sunday, and even then I seldom call anyone on Sunday.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
Good morning Michael. I seldom take calls on the weekend, but that is just the way I set up my mortgage practice.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Depends what we agreed on when we started working together. It is something I always ask.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Tell my clients my phone rings 8AM to 9PM every day of the week and ask them to give me their time ranges. I have been known to exchange texts messages at other times.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
No time limit if you think it is an urgent call.
I probaby will just text him saying it is kind late we will get together tomorrow.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Only on contract status usually no later than 7pm
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Depending on the client and what's going on with them at the time, I generally quit taking calls at 8 pm.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
It really doesn't matter what day of the week it is. I won't call after 8pm, unless I have permission and I won't answer the phone after 9pm, unless it's pre-arranged. I'm just too tired and not focused on business.
Unless I'm in negotiations for a client, I don't take calls after 7pm in general and probably not past 6pm on Sundays.
my clients know that I don't work after 9 but I do check email - if someone called me after that I would assume it is an emergency and I would take it.
we will take calls at all hours until our eyes close.... we don't call after 9:00pm without permission...
We are in Church on sunday, the phone stays in vehicle. We try hard not to work on Sundays but will if it's the only time the client is available. It's rare that we have a Sunday appointment.
Michael - I usually don't like to take calls after 9 pm, but it all depends on the client and the situation.
On Sundays I won't accept early morning calls. That is calls before 10am. I think that's rude. Who knows. I could be in church. I'm not, but you never know. Otherwise I will take calls until around 8 or 9 that night.
Sunday is like any other day when you are in teh real estate business. I will take calls up to about 9 unless I am wormking a deal or expecting a call back.
totally depends. Had a prospect call tonight (I was out to dinner) and let it go to voicemail and I'll return it in the morning. But if a client I'm working with called right now I'd answer.
We deal in Relocation clients so that can vary with time zones...generally most do not call after 9 pm our time.
I don't have any hard and fast rules for cut-off times. It all depends on the client, what is going on with them and what I'm doing at that particular time.
if i "know" them, until i go to sleep. if i dont know whos calling (caller id cell) then like 730 to 830 ish