What a GREAT idea. I love the quote about Sellers blowing smoke, ha ha
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Chicago can be a tough place to do business with all the excess regulations.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Would be better to send them to the utility company.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
i like it in theory. thou i dislike govt getting in the mix of anything , i think homes that are very energy efficient or NOT... is a piece of the puzzle. not unlike HOA fees, or taxes, they tip the overall scale. good job. and i will follow up with those ?? on the interwebs and seo/urls
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
It would be nice if you could get 12 months of bills instead of the last four.
Good Sunday evening Noah. I to like it in theory. However, energy usage is individual.
A few years ago Hawaii added a requirement to all our standard contracts. Sellers who pay the electric bill on the property must provide at least the most recent month's bill as part of the documentation to the buyer. Utility bills don't vary hugely month-to-month here in the tropics but I still tell buyers that they may have a significantly higher/lower bill depending on their lifestyle.
I always mention to my buyers that they should call and get the last few bill amounts but caution them that this is just a guide. We can never know if the use was normal or not acording to what the buyer would use. I don't want to get caught up in a web where they feel we told them the bill would only be $100 a month and now it's double. They always blame us