Generally best to not offer anything other that great service, anything looking like a bribe may drive the honest ones away.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
Referrals when they do the right job for my clients! And a personal, hand-written thank you note when they've helped me get a deal together.
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
No good deed should go unanswered --- if someone does good work, I remember them with referrals just as I hope for from those I service.
I offer my affiliates partners a home warranty and moving package for their clients who close transactions with me. Worth about $1,000 to the buyer. Its something other people aren't doing right now.
You mean what are the affiliates offering you?
Personally, I hate to hear that anyone has an "affiliate'. Whan a listing office has an affiliate that means that there is some kind of "benefit" (either legal or otherwise) to the agent, so that they are willing to jam the affiliate down the buyers throat. I have had listing agents try to kill a deal over the buyers refusal to use their "preferred partner".
With the new loan disclosure coming, there will be more scrutiny put on "controlled business arrangements"...I can't wait.
Don't ask other agents about RESPA, go to the RESPA website and learn about it. I bet that you will be surprised at what you learn.
Erica Simpson I wouldn't offer them anything; however, with good service i would send them referrals.
Leverage-able assets.
Be aware, an affiliate is not a collaborative partner like a lender or inspector.
In my eyes, the best thing you can do for a quality service provider is to refer business to them.