Donald Trump = 10 Billion
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Alive I would say Richard Branson if we can count in history I would say Steve Jobs.
Ideally put me on Necker Island with those two and a few others.
Blanca Barajas
Las Vegas, NV
Earl Sears.
A middleware developer who created the time code encryption that keeps your world. the entire world working.
An unpresumpuous man, underappreciated, by his wish, who was an expeptional blend of Dynamo and Steel genius.
I already know, but want to hear him say, in that monotone dreariness of his speach, that finding a problem that needs solved is the beginning. That seeing a problem that will need solved is even better.
Then he would say, 'Don't pay any attention to 'them.' Stay focused, keep working, stay positive."
Finally, to reflect on his life, he would say, "Never take more than you need."