No but then again we don't have many. Cell towers are the bigger question.
Hank Dugie
League City, TX
I wouldn't live by one. Yes the do affect home values in my opinion.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
normal power lines on a street level no effect, high level feeder lines from the plant tend to scare and devalue and heavily increase DOM
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
My guess is that they could influence price by as much as 10% in some instances. Nothing worse than pulling up to a home where the intrusion was photoshopped out of the view.
homes that have a view of power lines are sellable but at very competitive prices....
The price is reflective of the presence of the power lines.
My assumptions is you are referring to the HIGH VOLTAGE line with the 300 foot right of way and 250 foot towers.
If one can hear the buzz, snap, crackle, pop of the lines from the back yard, the value plummets.
If the 'buzz'can not be heard, and the property abuts to the right of way, the owner actually can not see the lines AND enjoys a 'no rear facing neighbors' benefit.
Don't allow yourself to be beat up by the comments of 'Mr Obvious.' Before disclosing the location of the lockbox advise the showing agent that 'snap, crackle, pop' exists in the back yard. "Does your buyer object to this?" If yes, skip the effort. Show and sell to those who are receptive. Let the rest go invest their time where is does not cost you anything.
By how much? You can determine this for your area by doing a little data mining in your local MLS. I would suggest it is equivalent to facing a busy road that presents an entirely different snap, crackle, pop.
Hank Dugie When I did residential real estate, I had a home listed that had high tension power lines behind the property. It not only affected the value, it was very difficult to sell. I also had a commercial property piece of land listed with high tension power lines going directly through the center of the property. Zoning restrictions virutally eliminated almost anything that could be done with it. It did sell, but at a significantly reduced price.
They can affect days on market and sale price depending on location of property. I've had doctors tell me as long as you're 150' + away from them, there should be no negative health problems. 750 KV transmission lines will have a bigger negative impact that 230 KV lines. I asked appraisers about this before also, and it depends on how close lines are to the house. Usually, they don't add or subtract any value due to power lines crossing property if the are far enough away from house. If the EMF generated by the transmission lines is close enough to house, the property will be harder to sell and value will be less. Usually, the bigger the lines, the wider the easement.
Good Wednesday morning Hank. Personally, I would avoid them with a passion. It doesn't bother others.
Good morning Hank. I will not buy a home to flip near power lines, learned my lesson once, as the property took too long to sell, because of them.
According to an article in the Appraisal Journal, homes suffer a loss in value only when high-voltage power lines are evident. Power lines that are noiseless and well-hidden tend to have little or no impact on property value. However, when power lines are evident, studies show a decline in property value of between 1 percent and 10 percent.
People tend to shy away from properties with power lines overhead, especially where there's a tower close by, though people seem to be more forgiving of this on older properties.
I had a listing that had the tower on a hillside behind the property, right there in full view. I had a considerable amount of pushback on it. People would ask all the time "What about the power lines?" I always said one thing I know for sure is that they're not going anywhere.
Mr. Murty brought up a good point which was that if you don't see the power lines, they're under you. That usually made people stop and think, but never made them feel better.
I sold a great place this year...took 2 years and sold under market value
Normal every day power lines? They are very common in Tucson, espeically in older established neighborhoods. The newer developments do not have them. They are so common place, no I do not feel they impact a properties value.
They certainly affect a home's desirability...thus the home's value. There are definbitely folks that won't buy when power lines are overhead.
Overhead power lines do affect value in metro Atlanta. But when you buy a home in downtown Atlanta is does not affect the value.
By a lot - I used to be at the Department of Energy and DOE was clear that there were no health related issues with overhead high transmission power lines, but the public doesn't believe it still. There is an allegation of childhood leukemia that is hard to overcome -