I would say delete the comment and forget about it. Life is too short.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Delete it and move on. Unfollow them if you are.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Some do not play well in the sandbox? There is always a bully in the crowd....I ignore the comment and would leave it up. It shows their true character and if we ever get a block button, we will all know who to block! Don't waste a breath on the bullies! Have a great day!
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
I had the same thing but it was an answer to a question. I commented back that I was sorry she was upset about my thoughts on the answer to her question. But is was my opinion and I was standing by what I wrote.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Maybe I'm the odd person out here, but I really don't care what people on an internet site think or say about me or my opinions. Their venom speaks for itself, so I would leave it up for all the draw their own conclusion. Other than that, I would just move on.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
There is that one person.......I hit report and I've been communicating with support about it. Waiting for Kerrie to return to "take care" of the situation. I have also asked why we do not have a "block" button.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
It does surprise me when you see vicious comments from members, doesn't seem necessary or constructive in the least. I would just delete it, if they're brazen enough to reply in such a venomous fashion I'm sure you won't get anywhere trying to reason/argue
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Martin- you can delete it and move on. Leave it and move on. Let others who read this person's rudeness make their own judgement. Or you can address it in a professional manner. Your choice. I have never deleted a comment like that. I just allow their words to speak for them.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
Martin Kalisker By responding you will just be adding fuel to the fire. Delete it and move on. The commenter will get the message.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
I this was a comment, I would simply delete it to prevent others from seeing it. I hope you will not have this experience again.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
I never did well with biting my tongue, when someone is rude with a comment.... I have no scars on my tongue.... I give them the bottom line....never in a vulgar manner.... just very definite with my response.
Chris and Dick Dovorany
Naples, FL
I don't usually hold back. If someone takes the time to criticize me (unconstructively), I simply let them know how I feel.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
i've bookmarked this one. There's a few people from the sunny state of Florida that I'd like to ask them to shove their comments where the sun don't shine! (take that A.L. and D.B.)
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Some new members, at least some that I hadn't noticed before, get on a roll. Their comments usually rush to judgment. But then they settle back and realize that this tactic in an open forum like AR doesn't win them any friends. True blue AR members, those we all love, sometimes write hastily but then tend to delete their own comment when the tide goes against them. I respect that.
There are a few that tend to leave these types of comments quite a bit. Ignoring them is good, deleting them i better but every now an dthen, yes calling them out publicly works too.
I won't delete it, but will not respond to it, either. Trolls need to be exposed to the community.
I would respond to it by email and depending how venomous then it may warrant deleting the comment. You have that ability for situations like this.
You are right, I got many times comments where I knew that my blog post was not read ( fortunately, nothing rude). In any case, I always try to be very polite and thank a person.
I'd delete and move on.