No drinks unless it's meeting at Starbucks. Bad form. Not everyone drinks and it's not very professional.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
keep it professional....have a drink after it closes, if you need to drink with them.... you probably should not...I like to keep business separate from personal....always.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Always business with clients; particularly the first time. You can never take back an out of line comment that crosses the professional line ("hey, another martini?"), so better to keep it all business. They will always remember you as professional and appropriate.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
It really depends on your marketplace. In our opinion, let's go have a drink is over the top casual, when you just met someone. In a resort community, business casual is fine, if appropriate. This is not true of all markets. A
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
With clients I like to keep it professional - especially when first getting to know them. With referral partners I prefer to try to build a friendship. For that reason I would be more open to meeting for drinks. I think if you can build a friendship it's natural to establish a real concern for each others' businesses and success and that's when magic can really happen :).
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Professional has treated me very well
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
If we go for a drink it will be Starbucks. Yes, I am casual.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I meet some new clients for a buyer consultation over a cup of coffee (I saw your note that you didn't mean a scotch and soda kind of drink)
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Felix, we use a business professional persona 98% of the time, even with people we already know. We just find that it sets the tone from the beginning, this is a business relationship.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Business for me at the beginning. Later on we can get relaxed with one another.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Felix - I like to keep the meetings business-like, and do not typically have a drink with clients until after the closing - if we become friends. However, the area I sell homes in is very casual regarding attire, and it would not be uncommon to see an agent show up in shorts and sandals when meeting a client for the first time. I think it is understandable when it is 115 degrees, and most professional people are casual with their attire as well.
As an example, Managers at Intel who easily make six figures commonly wear shorts and a collared shirt with tennis shoes to work.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I'll say I'm Casual Professional, relaxed but clearly professional even if we're meeting poolside.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Interesting question. I've done both depending upon how the initial phone conversation goes, the price point, and the area of town. I tend to dress up for first appointments (you only get one time to make a first impression.)
I usually get a sense on the phone about how much of a rapport is there or not and make quick assessments about how to behave.
Thanks though...you got me thinking!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
It depends on the clients. Most of the time, the best role is as their professional real estate agent.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I think it depends on the nature of the business. For me, I meet with a lot of real estate investors so I choose business casual. I would not want to make them feel uncomfortable.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I usually meet first time customers at the office, no drinks except water!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I live in an extremely rural area. I'm pretty casual.
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I am myself with a little professional persona. But I have fun in my seller and buyer consults.
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
Good question.. I will meet them in our office or at a local restaurant say Starbucks. I try to keep it low key. I never meet for first time at a listing or a private place. Safety first
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
I agree that the market dictates but the least I would consider is business. casual.
felix dankenbring
Salem, OR
If I am meeting them for the first time, it's all professional. Casual business dress. If we are out showing in the heat, it gets a bit more casual. I met some clients last week. Future buyers who were just driving around the area. They haven't listed their house yet in another city. They were all shorts and Tshirts, but I was dressed professionally.
Business professional. I want customers to see me as I am, a professional in my field, so I present myself that way.
I'm always business professional persona--blame it on 20 years as a senior executive in the corporate world. I believe that buying/selling a home is a major financial undertaking and should be treated respectfully and professionally.