It seems to me that most agents have an adequate knowledge of working on the computer. Marketing on the Internet has very little to do with computer skills, it has to do with understanding how people search and having on your team the best experts on the subject. One may have rudimentary computer skills, but if they have the right expert, they can do very well. A
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Not really, but have had several clients decide to work with me because of the marketing stragety I review with them, which includes capturing internet traffic.
"...highly computer literate.." not confident any of us knows what that means. I can spell 'computer' and name one or two or three makers and maintain a blog....am I literate?
Being able to build a calculation intense, highly multi-user, context based website has little bearing on a home buyer or sellers expectation.
It is HIGHLY likely the expectation was fully met through the conduit they used to find the agent.
This type of modeling of technology is a leveragble differentiator when chating with a prospect.
It's not about being computer literate. Nobdoy cares if you know how to whip out a excel spreadsheet or know any coding.
What they will care about is your skill as a marketer. And big part of that is online marketing. If you are highly skilled in online marketing it will separate you from the pack with many sellers.
I don't because being computer savvy has become a requirement to be in real estate these days.
During a listing presentation you get a sense as to what will resonate with a prospect based on their backgrounds and the crumbs they drop. If this is something that will resonate with a prospect I highlight it. If not, I do not place any emphasis on it. In my reality, sellers whose properties are unlikely to get sold locally because of it's luxurious nature want to know that we can reach foreign buyers by using the internet. A high competence level in information technology, text and design production using the computer is therefore a great selling point for us. We do not put down other realtors though, by saying we are more highly competent than others. Computer literacy, good online navigation and social networking skills are quite necessary these days to increase earning potential.
I would say, no. If a Realtor or any working individual does not keep up with the times, oh well.