John DL Arendsen, Crest Backyard Homes "ADU" dealer & RE Developer (CREST "BACKYARD' HOMES, ON THE LEVEL General & Manufactured Home Contractor, TAG Real Estate Sales & Investments)

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Scott Godzyk
Godzyk Real Estate Services - Manchester, NH
One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents

John I started on trulia from their inception. I came over to AR a few years ago when Trulia stopped caring about the agents that made it what it was. AR and Trulia reached separate audiences. Working both platforms reached more. Then Trulia took a further dive letting their q and a go to the spammers and stopping their blog. I have seen a few old names and faces here, but unless they become a RAINER and pay to upgrade, their AR account wont reach consumers and they will soon quit. We may have seen the end of Trulia as we knew it, even Zillow cant fix the damage they did to the reputation of Trulia

May 19, 2015 10:50 PM
Spirit Messingham
Tierra Antigua Realty - Tucson, AZ
Third Generation Full-Time Realtor® 520 471-6900

Count me in as one, I was blogging on Trulia and they shut it down.  Offered me a year free on here, and been on the last 3 months.  Not really sure how this will help my business, but willing to give it a try.

May 19, 2015 11:54 PM
John DL Arendsen
CREST "BACKYARD' HOMES, ON THE LEVEL General & Manufactured Home Contractor, TAG Real Estate Sales & Investments - Leucadia, CA
Crest Backyard Homes "ADU" dealer & RE Developer

Spirit Messingham I too stuck with them to the bitter end and unfortunately it did get ugly when without much warning they abrubtly shut it down. Used to use the Q/A platform all the time and generated over 150 great leads during the 7 years I was with them.

I earned my VIP 3 status which is close to an Ambassadorship on AR and was considered the go to guy Nationwide in the Manufactured Housing Industry. They never once replied to amy of my concerns or appeals regarding what there plans were for all the members who worked so hard and diligently helped them get to the heights they achieved in order to be acquired by T. 

I'm sure glad I don't have that type of busiess professionalism. It's a perfect example of how not to succeed in biz. Thanks for stopping by.


Scott Godzyk I remember reading many of your contributions on T. They did indeed not only stopped caring about them they abrubtly just swept them under the rug as though they never existed.

Then much to my amazement they had the gall to continue soliciting my biz and actually thought I'd be stupid enough to part with my hard earned money and be sucked into their bogus zip code BS. 

I was hoping that AR would open up their Q/A platform to the public and that perhaps they had the software to be able to block all the spammers. But unfortunately they haven't and from what I've heard they won't. So it will just remain what it is. A member to member Q/A forum. But shoud they ever see the writing between the lines they'd see just how effective it could be with respect to bringin member/contributors real qualified leads.


Gita Bantwal I remember you well and I'm so glad to see you here. I've always enjoyed reading your posts and contributions. Overall T has as many very good members as AR and perhaps 10's of thousands more. Or at least that's what they said.

But in order for Z to keep this type of RE platform heading in an upwardly mobile and positive they really do need to bring the the best of both platforms together. Opening up the Q/A platform to the outside World would not only bring in 10's of thousands of potential new folks interested in some facit of RE everyday it would make Z even a better RE vehicle.

As an experienced stock investor and someone always on the hunt for prudent long term stock investments I initially purchased Trulia stock becuase they purchased Market leader who as we all know also owns AR.

Then when Z acquired T I thought perhaps I'd made an even more prudent investment even though my actual share quantity was adjusted to Z's benchmark.

But alas every since the acquisition was consumate I've only seen the stock drop. Not sure why but it has. I'm wondering if it's the RE market overall. Or perhaps Z is now too top heavey with RE blogs? Just curious. 



May 20, 2015 02:29 AM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel

I used to be active on Trulia.  I am not active on Zillow.

May 19, 2015 09:16 PM
Jim Paulson
Progressive Realty (Boise Idaho) - Boise, ID

I don't understand why both Trulia and Zillow don't automatically incorporate our Blogs if you wanted them on their so that they could get SEO for all three companies via one blog.

May 21, 2015 05:57 AM
Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

John DL Arendsen I am more of an ActiveRain person as compared to Trulia, though I did participate in Trulia Q&A not so often.

May 20, 2015 09:18 PM
TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc.
Complete Home Inspections, Inc. - Brentwood, TN
Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029

I think that only the powers to be will know the real answer to that.

May 19, 2015 06:43 PM