No charge.
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Our MLS does charge licensed assistants. The individual members of teams have to be members.
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
New Orleans and Baton Rouge does not charge. I would disagree with the fee for assistants. Do they charge in your market?
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
Our local MLS does not charge anything for assistants.
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
Our local MLS sux. They are in their own little world.
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
Nope, every licensed person at a firm pays full fees. Unlicensed staff who don't have keys or show homes but only do data entry do not pay fees. And I think it's as it should be.
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
Elite Team - a TEAM id is free at our MLS, as long as each individual member has one's own id with MLS.