Hi Chris -- depends on the person. I typically write blog posts and schedule them. That works for me.
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
It varies..... Whenever I have time these days.
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
If you're blogging for your customers/search engines, it really doesn't matter when you publish.
If you are blogging on here for comments, generally morning is better as more blog/comment in the morning.
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
For me it is whenever inspiration hits! The ideas get put in draft or scheduled to be posted at a later date if the time doesn't seem write - lol see what I did there!
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
It depends on the day and the circumstances. We try to keep it fresh and current. A
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I blog randomly throughout the day when I can find some quiet time. Usually in the morning though when thoughts are fresh. However, I'm always thinking of blog ideas so I put them on the notes in my phone so I don't forget.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Chris Webb I find early morning the best time.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
It's so great when you have a question and it is answered in so many great ways. Thank you for posting the question. It was very helpful.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Chris - The best time to blog is whenever you have the idea, inspiration, and time. The more you blog, the more Google juice you produce, and it doesn't matter when that happens.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Like, John in the "Q" stated. Whenever we get a chance these days. However, I used to do my best late at nights after everyone had gone to sleep at my house.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I write my blog the day before and always write down ideas as they come to me. As for when I publish them, it's like Debbie Gartner said. If you're wanting members here to see and comment then you want to post at the times when members are more active here, like around 7am EST or other times for those on the west coast
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
When inspiration strikes. I've dictated one into my phone while driving.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I have heard afternoons and Monday mornings early are the best according to a lot of people.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I prefer mornings but anytime is better than none
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I've gotten my best results when I schedule it into the day. It's too important (and you'll quickly lose consistency) if you just try to fit it in where you can.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
The best time is first thing in the morning, but I find myself doing it late at night.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
The best time for me would be in the morning when I am clear headed. But as you see I am here at the end of the day.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I like to blog when I have some extra time and I am not in a hurry.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
whenever you have something worthwhile to say.....
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I usually schedule blogs in advance to post at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sometimes I will also add a blog for mid-day.
I try to schedule at least one re-blog each day to be posted at 5 a.m.
There are lots of early morning bloggers on ActiveRain.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I do the same as Michael Jacobs unless it is a spur of the moment thought. I have them come on in the AM Pacific time so people in the East coast are seeing them as they sip their coffee or tea in my case.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Anytime is a good time... you make the time work for you.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ