Why shouldn't you. It is important for all of us to work together and contribute to each other's success. You will be seen as somewhat who contributes rather than critiques. A
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Yes always when it's requested.
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
If I'm reading your question correctly, I do provide feedback to any listing agent that asks by phone, e-mail or auto-survey. I do not provide feedback on all though, many agents never ask and since I show 25-40 homes per week typically in our current market, I wouldn't have time so I'm glad many agents are lazy about asking.
Conversely, I do ask for feedback on every showing I get on my listings by phone call, then 2 days later an e-mail to my non-responders, then a second phone call to the "cat & mouse" agents-over a 1 week period. My assistant typically does this Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I'm pretty dedicated to getting that feedback to my sellers, it shows I'm making an effort to sell the house and it's priceless intel when I need it for a price reduction.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I always do feedback, but we are seeing most agents are not in today's strong market where homes are going UC within hours.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I do but I don't give any info that would be detrimental to my bargaining position if the buyer is truly interested
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I agree with Barbara Todaro the feedback from a client is what is important.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
feedback from buyer agents is useless, if the buyer's agent is doing his/her job properly.... how honest is a buyer's agent expected to be???
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
If the listing agent reaches out to me, I offer him or her feedback on the property.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I do provide feedback since I expect the same from agents who showed my listings--although I don't expect that everyone will provide the same courtesy.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Thanks all - I have a reminder everyday - and would always give feedback, If I am tied up too much, it may be just few lines on 'yes' or 'no'.
Yes, I do. It is very frustrating when agents do not respond to requests for feedback after showings. On this front, I try to lead by my own example.
Praful - Yes I provide feedback to any listing agent that requests feedback. The only time I don't is when my buyer may be interested in making an offer. If my buyer makes an offer, there is no need to provide feedback.
However, when I have a listing and request honest feedback from agent who showed the property, most agents either don't respond, or if they do, will just say, I don't remember your home (although I provide them with the address and the MLS number). Oh well, at least I tried.
Most of the time I do, sometimes I forget, but our show time system sends reminders so eventually I get them done.
I will fill out the email request or answer a text or call aned give feedback. I will say most of mine go unanswered and I am doing more than my fair share.
I was never too good at giving feedback. It is not usually really meaningful for the sellers.
I do try to do that Praful Thakkar.
It's important for me to know what they like or not so I can help zero in on the best house for them. Sometimes the remarks are petty, but most of the time I can at least put the seller's agent at ease. I've often heard, "just the wrong layout", "rooms too small" and the like. Nothing anybody can do about it, but I pass it along.
Straight up I tell them what my buyers thought of their house IF it's not on their short list. I would never use feedback to compromise my buyers position, but I think sellers need to hear an honest opinion not given by a real estate professional. AND I want my sellers to hear the same thing.
I give feedback when the listing agent should know of a situation. I don't feel I should pander to the sellers wanting to know how great the home is. My job is to get the best price for my buyers. If a listing agent pursues the feedback request, and my buyers aren't interested, I think that should suffice as an answer. Sometimes the buyers won't know themselves which one they want to choose, so I'm certainly not going to get right back to the listing agent with any information unless, possibly, I say "there may be an offer coming". And that I only say in order to get more information from the listing agent to give to my buyer.
Always, and try to provide helpful info. ,,,however, sometimes its just not the right home, and I let thm know ,nothing wrong with home, just that my customer couldnt visualize themselves living there.
Yes, when agents call or email I take the time to give real feedback. Not just what they want to hear. Sometimes this upsets them, I simply ask them why they are asking me for the feedback if they dont want to hear it or already know it all?