A. You can do B and donate your money back to the buyer or seller if you wish.
Now to clarify. I do this to supplement my rental investment income so I could technically watch Jerry Springer all day if I wanted to (is he still on?). However, I work in this profession because I love it and I do enjoy helping people (those who appreciate me especially).
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Jane - Honestly, I am in this business for both, and I truly believe that helping others and making money can go hand-in -hand, especially in real estate. The more people I can help, the more money that will come, but I also enjoy the feeling of owning my own business, and my ability to work my own schedule.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
B. I offer as proof teaching in the high school classroom for 31 years before starting a career in real estate. I have witnessed some agents in action who just focus on the money. No thanks!
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
My reality is I can help more people if I make more money. I'll vote for A.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
One of the reasons I got into real estate is because when I purchases my first home I truly felt I was not given good advice at all. And I ended up paying huge for it. I know that if I can focus on helping people then the income will follow.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
B - I have been luckly enough to make money but I really want to help people and make sure they do no get screwed.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Jane Kalinowsky I think everyone comes into this business to make money. Agents don't move around over commission splits because they want to help people. However, I agree with Roy Kelley that once agents become successful, helping people has a lot of personal satisfaction.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Both. However, the compensation is a driving factor for many.
I chose this business to become a business success. The ability to help people is a bonus that adds much personal satisfaction.
Jane Kalinowsky
Redondo Beach, CA
Honestly I'm in real estate to make money. But I also strongly believe in "Do the right thing, and the money will follow."
Both - I am not a charity worker, I am a full time professional and this is the way I make my living. I earn my money by helping people. So I got in the business to do both, and stay in to do the same.
The great aspect about what we do is that the rewards go hand in hand. Like the saying goes -
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want
I am located on the south side of San Antonio. It is an under served area of town. There is not one major franchise in the entire southern sector of our city except me!! Now do other offices list and sell on this part of town??? Of course, but I am here and I feel I provide a great service to my area. I have a team of agents that are experts with first time buyers, we pride ourselves in being on top of the latest market trends, we are educated about all programs that can help our part of town, we promote our good neighborhoods and try and get investors to buy abandoned homes or eyesores so they can be renovated and resold to first time buyers. I love my job and I love working on "my part of town"!!