Lately I have been so busy that it is not about routine but about getting through the day, putting out fires and talking to all the buyers and sellers and keeping the balls in the air. I hope to get back to a more normal schedule soon.
JoAnn Moore
Georgetown, DE
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I write down my day early morning so I can check off what I have completed. I usually call on expired listing then buyer leads this can average about 45 to 70 calls a day. Then I will write thank you notes to buyers & sellers.
My number 1 must do is call my expired listing & buyer leads!
Trumps Elite
Lafayette, LA
Walking each early morning. AR and FB then off to the "real" real estate races.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
We have a strategy meeting in the morning and discuss what we need to get done for the day and long term. We exercise 6 days a week. We take stretch breaks! A
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Try to make Sandy smile! We have so many buyers that we spend a great deal of time just trying to find a home they will consider. We door-to-door, and send neighborhood-specific solicitations looking for inventory. That 'eats up' most of the day.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Being active in bank owned listings, i aim to complete 2 BPOs a day.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Expireds, fsbos, and checking for my hud assignments are daily things that must be done!
Lise Howe I don't have any time left after spending time on ActiveRain...(just kidding)
I do write notes and gratitudes. That makes my day.
Calling 20 people - I don't think I can do it. Once I get started my calls last for 20-30 minutes... - however, I do call about 2-5 people daily.
Lise - There are certainly things that I should be doing on a more consistent basis. That is what I am working on for this year. Developing systems and daily actions to increase productivity.
lise, I would like to do the things you mentioned. Thanks for the tips.
Must do is exercise; I have to consider it like brushing my teeth! Keeps the stress down and mind sharper! I try to think of something new to try each day...and keeping an open mind.
Exercise, have a well-balanced breakfast, and read the news. Reading the news is usually a great way to ease into my workday because I usually find great articles to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Exercise, either blog on my website or post youtube videos, long term planning, CRM updating, delegating, outsourcing.
Hi Lise;
My day gets off to a fine start each morning with a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood with my dog Zeke. Zeke has so many friends! We stop and talk to them all, and everybody picks Zeke up and gives him lots of attention.
The neighbors driving by all smile and wave, and often roll down their windows to shout "Hey, Zeke!"
It's nice to start the day by seeing so many people who are happy to see Zeke. I live in the. best. neighborhood. ever.
Must do's....Lunch, usually around 4pm.
The real must do's are not on your list but are driven by event.
I do online and offline every day.... there is no order....it depends on what is most pressing for that day....
Have some coffee and looking to see if an agent has sent me a contract to sign.