I have not Paul but I always have it in my wallet. I think it could help you if you were accused of trespassing.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
In NM the license hangs in the office. No I have not been asked to see them by anyone.
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I don't have my license with me, but I have my REALTOR(R) card in my wallet.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
They use to until the Governor decided it cost to much to print and send them out. No I have never been asked.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
NEVER has someone asked to see my license, and we are not required to carry this verification.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I have never been asked. They are boldy displayed on the wall in the entry hall of the office. I carry my mine with me at all times just in case.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
yes, and I have always carried it in my wallet..... I've never been asked to show it....
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Hawaii requires us to carry the pocket license. No I've never been asked to show it to anyone.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
The wall license must be displayed at Managing Broker's office, but you are suppose to carry the pocket license. I have never been asked for mine, with exception at local r.e. assocation office.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Wow, now there's a new one. In over a decade, no one has asked me that! I don't believe we're required to carry it in California.
Frank Rubi
Metairie, LA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Paul S. Henderson March marked my 30th year as a licensed agent and 25 years as a broker. I have never had any ask to see my real estate license. We do get a wallet sized portion of the license to carry with us.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
No one has ever asked to see my license and yes we are required to carry one on our person at all times.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I'm supposed to carry my pocket card and I do in my wallet. But I've never been asked by anyone to see it except when I sign in for my continuing ed class.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I have not been asked for a copy of my license. I do keep a laminated copy in the vehicle.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
In my state you don't have to carry your license. I've never had this situation come up.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Paul S. Henderson usually, they know me - and are referred - so the answer to your question is 'No' - never!
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I hate to say Never but you can check on line in Louisiana.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
I always carry my license and I do think Florida requires us to. However, I have never been asked for it.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
no i have not ever being ask but 80 percent of my clients are referals ,my licence is at the office i work from. thanks Paul
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Good post .. This came up when I Googled whether or not we are allowed to laminate our pocket sized real estate license. In Florida, we are not required to carry them however you sometimes will need them when trying to access some of your more expensive homes in guard gated communities. The security guard companies and/ or HOA's make it a requirement to produce your real estate license before being allowed passage.
It is in my wallet...but no one has ever questioned whether I was licensed.
I've never been asked, but if I was I think I would tell them to search my on MyFloridaLicense.com (DBPR site) as that can't be faked or outdated.
Never been asked. The only time asked is when entering gated communities, or condo complexes. No not required.
Yes a buyer asked me because she was duped by a non-agent that she was workng with. She felt something was wrong and called me.