sellers are easily attracted to direct mail marketing postcards that offer a Free Market Analysis.... that's how I've marketed for listing for the past 37 years....and I've complemented that offline marketing with online blog posts....and that began when I joined ActiveRain in 2009....
Johnny Davis
Ocala, FL
The preference of others should have no bearing on your choices.
Some will admonish you for door knocking while others for hosting open houses. Some for using print advertising and other for shopping carts.
There are over 44 ways to generate leads, the issue becomes what are YOU willing to do?
Others have revealed what they are UNWILLING to do, suggesting they have left the door wide open for YOU. While they are calling expired and FSBOS, you should be out there meeting homeowner who need help.
The first question I must ask you is, "What do you have the most of, Time or Money?" Asking question opens the door to possibility, giving answers closes the door to creativity.
I will capture a lot of online leads Sunday and Monday because of what area residents observed on SUNDAY morning. Would those be ONLINE leads or door knocking leads or event leads? What they are is the result of understanding what is on the minds of those who live in your community, your area then creating the space to let them know you can help them.
My advise would be to follow the path that is most UNATTRACTIVE to you. While everyone else is avoiding meeting folks, you need to fill that space.
And let me share the end of that story. You will have success, folks will list with you, you will get busy, you will stop doing it, then start advising others to not do what got your business going. Hey, I caught myself doing it.
If you are truly lacking in the courage department, then find a way to get up close to the foreclosure specialist in your office or areas. Make what ever deal is needed to HOST THE FIRST OPEN HOUSE for a REO in the community you want to do business in. It is easier to get local home owners visit the FIRST open house. So, it's your audition so make the most of it. REMEMBER, the open house must have a purpose and for that this is getting LISTINGS. So make the show about LISTING, not showing an REO.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
One minute video sharing the BEST system I've found in 22 years...One minute video for realtor marketing
Talk to every one and anyone. then start over and do it again and again and again.
Public relations. Become the go to person for newspaper, television, and radio. Works for me.
Sphere of influence (friends, family, past clients) and expanding that by meeting people at community events, volunteering, etc.
I like direct mailing & Door knocking as you get to speak with sellers face to face.
Face to face contacts are always the strongest. Attend the community meetings and social events and make your networking count. Sponsor events like a community yard sales to make contacts and collect email addresses.
I agree with John McCormack that door knocking is dangerous and intrusive. Online marketing and reaching out to fsbo selllers works for me.
Past client referrals then online marketing. Door knocking is dangerous and no way I'd do it.