Sent me many great referrals!
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Invited me to their home for a wonderful dinner! I have had many thank you notes and referrals and they mean a lot ot me too. :)
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
Tickets to the San Diego Opera!
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
Sent me a bottle of outstanding scotch after closing. We talked about whiskey in passing, maybe one of a thousand conversations, and was totally surprised when it arrived in the mail
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
I had a client invite me to lunch and it was very nice.
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
Aside from referrals, a furniture store gave a beautiful hand crafted doll of a nomad of the Steppes...A
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
I've gotten various gifts, nice referrals, repeat business, etc.,and just yesterday, buyers wanted to take me out to dinner before they left town. Haven't even actually picked out the house yet, we just hit it off immediately.
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
Sent me referrals over and over through the years!!
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
I believe send my flowers and a nice card thanking me for selling them their absolute dream home.
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
One client gifted me at closing with several hand-picked items (rare teas, a musical instrument and more) plus a CostCo gift card. The total value must have been at least $500 and her thoughtful choices told me she really wanted me to feel "gifted".
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
the nicest thing I can expect and want is for a client to NOT be high maintenance!!!!
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
I have had several give me closing gift(s) at closing, including gift card to my favorite restaurant, bottle of wine, movie tickets, etc. It is very nice to simply be recognized.
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
Besides referrals I have had one client give me a $100 gift card for Whole Foods at closing because they said I did such a good job, they had moved 3 times in 5 years and said the other Realtors did not do as good a job as I did. It moved me to tears the way they said it.
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC
I have had some wonderful clients, One couple took me out for dinner after we closed; another had me to their new house for dinner. Many have written heartfelt notes ...very meaningful!
Holleay Parcker - Spin...
Kitty Hawk, NC