Sometimes, they will offer to print up flyers etc. Need to be careful as we would not want any RESPA violations. Because of which there really is not a lot else they can do. I refer local lenders who provide great service for buyers, nothing in it for me other than I know the client will be well taken care of.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
S. Leanne Paynter ☼ Br...
Davie, FL
I have partnered with loan officers to purchase leads that we worked together. Some of the best things that lenders can offer are prompt service and comprehensive follow up.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
#1 first additional service my lender does is have the loan to close.
Secondly he promotes me on his website and sends me buyers that are not working with an agent.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
I have tried but it does not work well. They do not follow through in giving up referrals. However the Mortgage broker I use is very generous with gifts.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
Shuchi Agrawal I had done some campaigns with Realtor.com - however, what I found more useful is cross-referrals. In fact, my lender is my biggest advocate! (And so is true for the lender - I do send my referrals to this lender.)
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
My preferred lender works with Guaranteed Rate and they have a website full of templates and helpful information for agents.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
I always tell other agents and clients alike ... I don't work with anyone because they pay into my marketing or "co-brand" ... I work with vendors and associates that perform (period).
Organic relationships are the best. If something evolves into co-branding down the road or other marketing opportunities, great! But, I HEAVILY caution you to just find someone that will pour $ into this stuff for you unless you have a strong working relationship and you trust them because anyone you put your name next to can screw your image just as quickly as they can help it.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
Yes, we sometimes make them the "preferred lender" of a listing; where they will sometimes offer some closing cost assistance. They also partner with us by helping to host OPEN HOUSES, by providing lunch or dessert, or perhaps by donating a gift card or other prize for a drawing. We share the guest sign-in sheet with them, and they can add to their own data base of leads as well.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX