No......Why would I? It is dated at the time I was marketing the property. I don't think, we have any legal issues with this. But I will check. Thanks for the idea.
Carla Muss-Jacobs, Principal Broker/Owner - we cannot remove it from some sites and we can, from some.
Unless the new owner objects, you can still leave them online with 'SOLD' sign on it! A way to market ourselves.
I only post on the MLS...it keeps my listings from being highjacked and doesn't hurt my sellers a bit.
I remove them if I lost the listing. I also remove all my photos from MLS but one so they won't be copied. If they sold I post them like Barbara Todaro does as sold.
Sometimes- it depends. occasioanlly a selelr or new owner will ask if phots can be removed. It's east to remove some photos from MLS, but other sites that listings were sundicated out to, it can be impossible. List Hub sends them out to over 90 different sites.
If the listing sold then I keep the data and photos intact. If it did not sell, and another agent is taking over, I generally remove all my info and photos.
No. I have no knowledge of the websites the listing may appear on.
I RELY on the MLS-to-syndicator agreement to require the listing be deleted when the MLS updates. (Does your MLS require the destination websites with whom they contract to respond to status change?) I do not know who the MLS, my broker, my franchise sold my ip to therefore will not attempt to find it and delete, even if I might have an account.
Abandoned data and listings are not the fault of the listing agent but the reckless behavior of those to whom the data is syndicated and whose action creates the hazard and peril a home owner must endure.
Now, if I personally posted to INstagram, yes, I will change status to SOLD at the appropriate time and if expired, will remove completely.