I would look forward to continuing ed, if the information wasn't so repetitive. The new stuff I would be happy to learn, the rest a waste of time.
S. Leanne Paynter ☼ Br...
Davie, FL
I do not look forward to continuing education classes. On the other hand, I have attended many outstanding classes as well as too many that I would prefer to forget.
S. Leanne Paynter ☼ Br...
Davie, FL
I actually love to take the classes! I can always learn something new. And, I find the interaction from other agents in class - priceless.
Robert Smith
Brighton, MI
We take courses throughout the year, but we still need to do our Ethics training.
In Florida, I must meet the continuing ed requirments every two years and have been doing so online for many years now. Saves me commute time & gas and is just more convenient.
it's just a requirement and I do it .... now I do it online.... I can finish it in one long day!!! it's a waste of my time.
In our area we do 30 hours every 3 years. I always learn something new. In fact just completed my hours, finger prints and am taking my package to the Board today.
I don't like webinars. I do well with classroom style when its subjects I like.
Intriguiging question Robert. (In Florida, the Cont Ed is every 2 years btw).
I own and run the Climer School of Real Estate and I truly believe that it's the best Real Estate School in the entire state of Florida. My Continuing Education classes are extraordinary and very different. I make the experience extremely meaningful and relevant.
Andy Brown, Head Instructor, Climer School of Real Estate, Orlando, FL
The Best Real Estate Instructor in Florida
It is a required minimum standard that must be completed so not much thought goes into it. What is enjoyed from continuing edecation is that there's the moment when you realize "WOW, I didn't know that." then it all makes sense.
Robert Smith I'm a little biased because I used to teach CE. There is always something to learn in the class. It always surprised me that some seasoned agents were not familiar with Fair Housing and State laws. It only wastes time for those who go into it with the wrong attitude.
These are great comments. Thank you Susan, Annette, James, Pam and Jeff.
I agree that some agents feel the need to relate a little TMI, which wastes time, Susan Haughton.
Some instructors *are* better than others, for sure. Locally, I have my favorites, too, and try to take one of their courses.
Pam Fiertz Meyers our local associaition does a similar all day event and it is quite enjoyable as well as educational.
I usually have all but the required 2 hours of legal update done well before the end of the licensing period, Jeff Pearl.
I take it online because I don't have the patience for those endless anecdotes that agents in the class cannot help but relate, even if they are not helpful or examples of proper behavior. I guess when you have a room full of agents who are used to talking all the time, it's inevitable, but it is annoying because I am truthfully there to learn something.
It's a requirement, so I do it.
Look forward to it? It is preferred over an emergency trip to the dentist.
It all depends on who is teaching the class. This year I will enjoy it..
Yes I look forward to it and here is why - Our local Realtor assocation holds an annual "real estate conference" at the local community college, with a full day of CE courses for a set price of under $75, including a box lunch and a happy hour reception afterward. Vendors set up tables in the gymnasium and we all collect their pens, mini-flashlights etc, and put our cards in their bowls for prize drawings during happy hour (must be present to win). So it is easy to get 6 hours of CE with a day of networking and free lunch, for a very reasonable cost. If you go every year, you can complete 12 of your 15 hours that are needed bi-annually. Practically painless!
I take it throughout the year. Hate waiting and trying to do it all 2 weeks before license expires.