You bet I've reached the 10,000 points milestone twice in two days. At 10,000 points per day I'll be high up the ladder in no time.
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
Yes, I got the same message. But I did not get additional 10,000 points and I'm over 10k. I wish I had a gift of 10k :)
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
I remember seeing those emails. The system was having gas pains that day.
Yes, have been getting a couple of 10,000 point club emails the past several days.
Just got two from AR telling me I've now reached 10,000 points--woo hoo! Except that I'm now pushing 600,000 points. I guess, as long as they don't lose my real points, they just need to fix a glitch.
I've received this message about reaching 10K points now for several days. I sent them a message about it ... no reply. They also wiped out my entire saved messages/comments on my home page; I got an acknowledgement that they got my message, but no one gave an explanation.
Yes for two days in a row I have received multiple messages congratulating me for achieving 10,000 points. There's a ghost in the machine!
Finally, I did get it today.... Dianne Goode ... - whereas I am in 7-digit club for a while now!
It's not just you. I got this same message twice today. AR will be working on correcting this very soon. Hang in there.
Yes, I keep receiving these also. Received two of them yesterday and two more today. I have over 400,000 points on this profile (for my Wisconsin brokerage office) and about 350,000 for my Minnesota blog). So I passed the 10,000 mark some time ago.
No. Just got the 10,000 point one but I think they are telling you that you got 10,000 points in a month
I received the same one twice today, I thought hope they didn't revert my points!
I got an email congratulating me on being at 10,000 points. At least they sent it to me twice but didn't take points away