Hi Spirit -- you raise an interesting point.
I don't particularly have an issue with people(including me) saying "my listing" in the context you refer.
I do have an issue when agents/brokers put themselves in the role of the principal of the transaction(when they are not) and say -- we will never accept that price or those terms. Excuse me, we??? Unless our name is on title, we are agents and any decision should come via the seller or buyer. Okay -- off my soapbox....
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Richard Robibero, e-Pr...
Toronto, ON
Mmmmm.....I like your expression, but I do enjoy telling ''my listing''. I got the right to represent the seller, hired do my job. I'm proud that it is my listing, my job, my responsibility.
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
You make a good point if you are the broker of record. I don't think that anyone really focuses on that issue. Wishing you continued success. A
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Spirit, I believe it is my listing. Yes it does belong to the brokerage, but you brought it there.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Don't know that I've ever thought about it. I do call it "my listing" in that context you mention (asking for feedback). If I get a query via email, I'll usually begin with, "Thank you for your interest in my listing at 1234 Main St." I don't own it, but promoting that property is my responsibility, and I'm the right one to ask for information about it. In some sense, it is "my" listing!
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Guess I do call it my listing, but like Cindy, I am the Employing Broker and they ARE my listings.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
I am a broker and I do call it 'my listing.' While your phrase perhaps is more precise, I think it's it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. (unless your client has complained).
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
It's semantics. I would get tongue-tied using your example.
People know what you mean. That's all that matters.
doesn't sound right to me when you say you represent a listing...you represent a seller.
The best way to get feedback on a listing is to use a software like: new.showingsuite.com - As a lot of agents have moved off the property or will let you know that they will be writting an offer. It becomes very chanellenging when showing several properties with several buyers to remember right away about the property without having the MLS paperwork in front of you.