Joy Daniels - I know there are many here who think Zillow and Trulia business model is harmful for agents. However, from consumer point of view, they are considered as one of the best site to search homes. So, having a presence of your listing on Zillow and Trulia is very important.
Any which way you can show your listing on these sites will be beneficial for you and your clients. After all, one of the important job we have to do is market the listings - and whetever our opinion of these sites be, we should market the homes on these sites.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Joy, I would not be concerned. Your listings will be found via your own MLS / IDX and through your marketing.
I would love it if my MLS cut off the listing feed to the T/Z.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
Our MLS is sounding like it is going to do the same thing. It is getting crazy out there.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joy, we just found out that Keller Williams has made a deal with the two large portals to send their KWLS market center listings directly to the two large players no matter what the MLS boards do.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I wish my Local MLS would do the same...Now buyers and sellers have to seek out REAL Real Estate companies. WE dont' have some 3rd party selling leads.
OH how I wish we would do the same.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Really? I wonder if we are still sending to zillow and trulia. I haven't heard of a change...
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Bruce Walter - Keller Williams is one of the biggest voters in our MLS to get them to STOP. They know what they are doing.
I am learning David Barr - it's really very scary. It's a lot to absorb. . . and everyone has their own opinion. I would love to hear the real truth, but it's so hard to find. Thank you for your response.
Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239 and Kathleen Daniels it is getting crazy out there. . . your MLS might just make that decision Kathleen. Let us know if they do!
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
I feel better Jeff Pearl - just because I hate to be "less than" the competetors and have found out I do have a feed source I can use.
Barbara Todaro you are right - that is how I feel too, which is why I wanted my listings going to Zillow. I may not be happy about some of the things they do, but Buyer's use them!
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
You are right Gabe Sanders - in the meantime I found out we can use our Boomtown Account! Thank you!
Unfortunately William Feela - what will happen is the corporate companies will use this event to make the independent/smaller companies look inadequate in their marketing.
Gabe Sanders
Stuart, FL
Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
We are listing agents and we are never searching for buyers....we are marketing to buyer agents and zillow helps us spread the word....
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Joy, you can feed your listings directly to Zillow, or consult with your broker.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Joy, you can always send your listings to them through other channels, like Postlets. It's up to you.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
Possibly yes. The companies that have their data syndicated will get more exposure but hang on, something else will come down the pike and replace this. It always does.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
You should still have the right to control how the listing is marketed.
Joy Daniels
Harrisburg, PA
I have a young couple buyer clients and was surpeised to find that they are using Realtor.com for their search. Maybe all their ads on TV are making a difference. Whether they are better/worse than 'zulia' who knows. I just think the estimates on those sites are awful. People may ignore a listing because they think it is iver priced when in fact it is priced right for the particular neighborhood.
You have made a very good point Praful Thakkar - thank you for your answer. I know that consumers are really BIG into Zillow and Trulia - they are expert marketer's of themselves and thus Sellers want to see their listings on these sites.
Evelyn Johnston I was surprised when this came up in our MLS too - but after reading others comments, it looks like it is occuring in others. You should check to see if this is something your MLS is considering.
I hope you are right Debbie Reynolds - I am sure the big companies will use the fact that they are feeding Zillow as a competitive edge in their marketing.
We can input the listings individually to Zillow Sandy Padula & Norm Padula, JD, GRI , but will be time consuming and costly (we have to pay someone to do it!)