I prefer to have the stand alone Supra Key, so if my phone acts up I can still access lock boxes.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Wanda, our board went away from the key and everything is my phone. I loathe it as I have to hold my breath everytime to see if Apple is going to cooperate. I prefer the combo boxes as a buyer's agent.
I like it plugged into my phone. Our association just got something new about a year ago but I am still using the plug into my phone. I went there yesterday to see if there was another plug in, they said no they phased those out. The ones they have will fit easily on your keychain. The only thing they failed to mention was it takes longer to open the house with the other one. I am thankful to have the plug in - I just leave it in my car. It makes my life easier.
HI Wanda -- I use the standard key. I think the phone option in my area is only for the i-phone and I have android. I would consider it if available.
We have Supera locks and they are operated through my phone and it is great. I had the standard kind before and I like the phone better.
Our board and mls does not use the supra key. Though the nearby Ann Arbor board does
I prefer the App on my IPhone. Automatically updates. Not much difference in monthly or quarterly pricing (once you pay for the APP). Ours works with a Fob that I have attached to my car keys. You do want to be sure that your phone has a good charge, but really it is one less thing to have to think about.
It is rare that I'm somewhere without my car keys and my phone...epecially car keys (otherwise I wouldnt have driven there). I have on a very rare occassion left the office and my phone sitting on my desk. But to be fair...I also have left my old Supra Key behind a time or two also. I've never had an issue with my cell phone not having service, even in somewhat remote areas.
I use the card for entry much of the time but am aslo using the app and can see in the future using it more nad more for the convenience of it.
In Florida, we use the SupraKey. Here in California, the Sentricard. I don't think the value exists to have to pay extra to use your smartphone.
I have used both and prefer the app on my iphone. It is one less thing to have to carry around and much more tech savvy!
I use the Supra key. The benefits are being able to use it when cell service is limited or not existant. The only drawback that I have found is my Supra key doesnt hold a charge for more than a day.
I use the standard Supra Key and have been very happy with it, although not being able to have it with me 24/7 (like my cell) makes it a challenge. But, even though I have my cell with me, in the mountains there are areas that you do not have cell service, hence hindering the key fob idea. It's rather embarrasing to get out to a home and the key fob will not work because there is no cell service, but the standard Supra Key does. So, for now I will stick with the Supra Key.
I had the Supra key fob previously but now use the app on my phone and LOVE it. So much easier, especially since my phone is in my hand all the time anyway.