Debbie Laity - freedigitalphotos.net. You need to give credit to the photographer in your post, though.
Of course, there are many more - try https://openclipart.org/ , PDClipart.org,
And there is a big list of the sites at http://www.incredibleart.org/links/clipart.html
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
Molly Heyen
Chicago, IL
Robert Smith
Brighton, MI
We normally take our own pics. Better to be safe than sorry.
Eric Kodner
Minnetonka, MN
I have found there are several sites that have been suggested by members, it does take some effort to use it though. Most of my photos are my own Debbie.
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Debbie, I take photos all day every day with my Blackberry Q10. It has a very good camera and I also go out with my SLR camera and shoot many photos. I am pretty good at photoshop and I save everything I have so most of what I use I took. If I want a little graphic I go on Google and type what I am looking for and the click the "images" link at the top of the page and make sure it is free. There is tons of free stuff out there
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
I have used the ones that have been provided through blogs here in Active Rain.
I just signed up for Pixabay but you have to be a contributor to participate. The photos are amazing.
Hi Debbie - I gave up on free stuff a long time ago - I could never tell if it was really "free" and the liability scares me. So I pay about $60 a year for unlimited clip art and photos from iclipart.com - they have a ton of good stuff.
I have a subscription to PresenterMedia.com for images I use in PowerPoint presentations, websites, blogs, email, brochures, etc.
Flickr, BUT make sure you search for creative commons and search for pictures that allow you to use them for commercial purposes. Make sure you attriibute properly.
Hi Debbie -- I typically take my own photos for blog posts but I would like to find sources(I know they are out there) for images I can use easily.
Google and change the usage rights to show only the photos we can use without paying rights.
I take my own photos. I'm not interested in problems that may result from using others' intellectual property (even if the source says it's "royalty-free").
Somelese already added mine - freedigitalphotos.net. It does offer an option create an account.
Hi, Noah...I just want a quick graphic sometimes and I'm looking for that. I always have my camera handy and always take pictures.