By the way, has anyone every said you look a bit like Ray Romano? :)
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
No, the customer is not always right. But we do need to treat customers with the grace and respect intended in that motto.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I do not and never have given the consumer any credit for any real estate knowledge.
Some, if they have experienced transactions, may have some perspective, but they have no way of understanding context and market trends.
Do I tell them that?? Of course not. I just do my job and they figure it out for themselves.
Until you demonstrate, as gently possible, that you have more facts, experience, insight, strategies or options than they do. If they listen, everyone wins, if they insist on their way, one of us will learn something or walk away.
Jill Murty, Realtor - ...
Laguna Niguel, CA
I am still chuckling, after reading that question....I think we all experience customers who are so insistent/belligerent that you have a moment that seems like a freeze frame; when you ask yourself if this person is "worth" being your client. Sometimes it is better to refer out, rather than work with someone who is constantly battling you. Life is too short to beat your head against a wall. Have fun and enjoy the people with whom you work!
Jesse Castro - I'd say, 'NO'. We should have a courage to say what is the truth to our customer.
Relationships build on fear don't last!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
The client is usually NOT right.... that's why they need guidance from a real estate agent.... many clients think that they know more than we, especially with the use of online info.... it's just enough to get them into trouble!!!
Nope! Not always.
It's important to treat people with kindness and respect. Part of that is offering the facts and logic behind your business views which allows the client to see the reason you see something in one way or another.
Decisions are for the client to make based on receiving factual information. Whatever decision they come to is right for them, which makes them right.
When clients are hateful, rude and/or impossible, they can be "right" with someone else.
In his or her mind, yes! lol Depending on what the client is saying, I may not agree. My job is to give her the best advice I can based on my knowledge. After that, their decision is up to them. However, if they are speaking or behaving in a way that is offensive or in violation of laws (ie: Fair housing), then I will find a way to say so. The situation may require us to part ways, amicably, of course!
My role is not to judge them.
My role is to leave them feeling smarter.
Often that means they change their position.
Sometimes it means TIME will be the teacher.
Occasionally, we must part as sojourners wishing each the very best.