I would think it depends on the agility of the business model. If traditional residential sales is 100% of the business, sticking with a brokerage with a 95/5% split will prove more cost effective.
However, if the vision of the business owner it to be that the pinnacle, the master craftsman level of the real estate industry, they should own the brokerage. If the business owner has the experience and discipline and vision, they can flourish as an independent broker. Don't lose sight of the irony of the name. If the business owner is not self -motivated and visionary, this adventure,will end with the business owner being broker.
Shuchi Agrawal
Flower Mound, TX
Personally I would love just to be a broker associate without the hassles and liabilities of a broker/owner. Having a brokers license (without acting as the designated broker) acts as a great designation showing you have that skill set.
It is up to you and your confidence in your skills.
If you feel confident on your own, go for it. Being 'just an agent' is safer, you just do your job and someone else is in charge.
Charles Ross I'd say, it's a personal choice. I am not ready to take extra responsibility of being a broker despite the fact that I could earn more!
I think either is fine. Sometimes I think I would make a better broker than agent.
At this point in my life, I'd rather be a supervising broker. Maybe ten years from now, that might change.
Right now I prefer being with a brokerage rather than owning my own. Having the admin and legal side off my plate gives me more time to work with clients.
I spent my corporate career (20 years) managing (babysitting) un-motivated workers. Real estate is different where-as a person who works as a real estate associate either works or starves.
I am both a team builder and motivator along with a recruiter so I think I could be a very successful owner or managing broker...
Depends on what your goals are. I don't like big boxes brokerages. The split is way too high.
Charles, I think the best of both worlds is to be your own broker with no other agents. We used to have 15% ownership in our local real estate office of a national franchise and it took so much time away from our personal business.
Just be the agent. I do not believe I would want all the hassle of dealing with the problems of so-so agents
I have done both. I was a Broker with C21 when I first started out in this profession, 50/50 split and agents who were not interested in helping out the new guy, I had 3 buyers and 3 listings and then a seasoned agent wanted to be my mentor for half of my commissions on each transaction, noted she had no active clients at the time, then I went to RE/MAX and the principle Broker there said " your success is my success, we were a small office, with close agents, 35/65 split, I was multi -million dollar producer and won awards for earned commissions. I know own my own small company, I have a couple solid brokers, But I still end up reaching into my own pocket to cover bills, and my agents want me to beef up marketing for their benefit as well as the benefit of the company, however its my pockets and they are running out of money. I almost miss just being an agent where I could focus solely on my clients needs, Where as to now, I am more focused on keeping up with my brokers needs and keeping up with the monthly bills.
All depends on the person and their goals..... Running your own can have its challenges, but it can also be very rewarding if your goal is to help others to grow.
It depends on your goals. One of our clients who is an amazing producer thought of opening her own office. After discusssing what is involved with us, (we used to have our own offices), she realized that she was better off in a company, as it did not make sense ($) to her. A
Charles -- it depends on the person.
While I work for a brokerage, I consider my business my own even though there is a corporate identity.
Most days it is sur ebetter to own my own company. The freedon and benefiots are amazing. The stress though can outweigh that some days and a person has to be 100% sure they are ready for that,
I run my own brokerage, but have no agents. There is not much difference between the days of being an Associate Broker.
Often, it is more profitable to be an agent than an owner. It can be difficult to make a profit with a small office.
It totally depends on what you want out of your profession. Not everyone is cut out to be running a full brokerage. I've never had any desire to do so.