When we did deals, I loved all aspects of it...the hunt for some rare space of building was always exciting... I agree with Michael Jacobs A
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Good question, Paul - I love the thrill of the hunt as well as that AhHa moment when it comes together or when a negotiation works out just right(an acceptance). Of course, that moment when we receive the notification that the closing is confirmed and the handing of the keys to a new homeowner or letting a seller know their net proceeds is on the way is pretty satisfying as well.
Each is independent and quite special.
M.C. Dwyer
Felton, CA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
The close. I like having my bills paid. But I do enjoy the work.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I actually like the hunt more than the closing, which is sometimes a let down, particularly if it a seller leaving town with whom I have had a good relationship. I have never been motivated by the money part of the business, I just enjoy the challenges of the process. The money is gravy.
M.C. Dwyer
Felton, CA
Without closings the hunting days are numbered.
When I working with serious buyers or sellers who have that sparkle in their eyes, who have an overwhelming spirit of expectation around them, I love moving mountains on their behalf.
Currently holding together a house of cards deal that only a fellow professional can appreciate the mountains that have been moved. But, we've all been there, done that. If you have been in this business more than ten years you are a true warrior who has prevailed...congrats.
In the end I enjoy knowing very few could have done what was just accomplished. I take an hour or two, have a glass of red, then off to the next mountain.
M.C. Dwyer
Felton, CA
I love the hunt! Seeing the reaction and excitment of the Buyer's is what it is about for me. The closing is icing on the cake. And the Bread and Butter.
M.C. Dwyer
Felton, CA
The closing definitely. When I was a newer agent, I loved the challenge and loved beating out another agent. Now it is about getting to the closing table and having satisfied clients.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Paul, visiting this question after few years.
I prefer closing more than the hunt for sure. In fact Closing is the result of the hunt!
The closing more. Attending them are appreciated by the Client, generating referrals for future business.
I am definitly a hunter, not a skinner - that's why they invented assistants. Prospect, show homes, and attend listing presentations. Leave the rest to your assistant.
Fun to see people's answers. Evelyn Johnston among others, uses a desert analogy that resonates with me.
Hi Paul.....I was never a buyer's agent....I was always, always a listing agent....AND I LOVED THE KILL!!! I loved closing the seller to list with me rather than one of the other 10 agents they met with....
I enjoy the art of closing and the adventure of the hunt but helping clients achieve their goals is my most exciting reward.
Paul, being a commercial broker I find the fun and challenge in the analysis process. Helping someone accomplish their goals to purchase, lease or sell a business or property is the gratification.
Paul, I love the hunt because it lets me know what else is out there for other clients as well.....
Paul, I love the showing and research process on home values and the sheer excitement of an accepted offer! The challenge is to then get the client to the closing table so they can get that house of their dreams!
The hunt is the ce cream. The closing is the cherry on top, I like both.
Closings are important, yes. But it's nearly as exciting to post the "Sold" rider on a listing than it is to pick up the commission check.
The honest answer is how much money I have in my checking accountant! It also depends upon how much I enjoy the clients I am working with.