Cindy Davis they are good - and I know they use 'bleeding age technology' - though this was few years ago.
May be, I should write a post about selecting the website developer.
Anita Allen
Pace, FL
Cindy Davis
San Diego, CA
That would be great Praful Thakkar. I have been triying to figure out what to do myself.
I haven't, myself. I know of a few agents who have a seem reasonably pleased.
Never heard of them either. You can't always go by price. I would call some others that are using them and ask about their customer service, do they keep your site update ( themes, WP, etc), do they charge for monthly fee, do you maintain ownership of your domains, who do they use for hosting, etc, etc. They could be fine, but it pays to ask questions to the point you feel comfortable with them.
Never heard of them. One thing I would definitely do is check out some of the sites they have done in the past. I just checked them out and wasn't able to find any on their site.